Does that all make sense?
Yes but it doesn’t describe conservatism.
Does that all make sense?
Yes but it doesn’t describe conservatism.
Being a landlord is a job.
Because society agrees it is. Society also once agreed that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction with no factual indication to.
Maybe I need to make it even simpler?
I asked you to explain the logical holes in your ideas, you ignored them. Funny you think the problem is that those simple concepts go over my head when you’re refusing to explain away basic logical problems.
It’s not exploitation because people have a choice of where to live.
That does not follow logically. You have a choice who gets to exploit you, but unless you have the capital to purchase housing, you are being exploited.
This is simply because renting prices are effectively almost exclusively profits for the owner of the rented space. Nobody is generating an equivalent in value through work. When people say they’re the main breadwinner in their landlords family, that is actually the objective truth.
This would make sense if we were talking about something that is inherently optional for anyone to purchase.
We aren’t though. Housing is a basic necessity for everyone, and the hard reality is that working full time does not mean you can afford to purchase housing, so you have to rent or be homeless. It’s exploiting specifically the poor because they can’t purchase housing, so they have to make a choice between renting or being homeless (which is also the more expensive option).
Was genau willst du damit erreichen, das was ich kommentiert habe so zu verdrehen dass es hirnrissig klingt?
Rethorische Frage, offensichtlich. Was der Gedanke war steht da, wenn du lesen kannst würde ich vorschlagen dass du einfach das tust.
Hey ich wollte jetzt nicht die Werbetrommel für SPD und Grüne rühren. Aber man muss halt realistisch sein - solange Deutschland eine kapitalistische Nation ist, werden alle große Parteien die Interessen des Großkapitals vertreten. Das ist in diesem System unausweichlich, aber wir haben uns (als Gesellschaft) das eben auch ausgesucht, mit allen Konsequenzen.
Der Gedanke war tatsächlich mehr “Vermutlich war das die Lösung bei der die meisten Deutschen noch am besten bei weggekommen sind”, denn man hätte das ganze auch noch deutlich menschenfeindlicher designen können. Und ich würde jede Wette gehen dass die Union das mit Freude getan hätte.
Wenn der Faschismus Deutschland nochmal heimsucht (und das wird er) kannst du dich bei beiden genausosehr bedanken wie bei der CDU und der AfD.
Ich würde mich dann eher bei Organisationen wie Volkswagen, Thyssen-Krupp oder BMW bedanken, Faschismus manifestiert sich historisch ja dadurch dass das Großkapital die Alternativen weniger attraktiv findet.
danke hierfür nochmal an rotgrün und die agenda 2010
Ich find’s ein bisschen blöde das Rot-Grün vorzuwerfen, denn die haben sich da auch einfach nur den Zwängen einer kapitalistischen Marktwirtschaft gebeugt. Die Wirtschaft brauchte einen größeren Niedriglohnsektor, also hat die Politik geliefert. Wahrscheinlich sollten wir froh sein dass die SPD das verbrochen hat, stellt euch vor Schwarz-Geld hätte das ALG2-System statt dessen designt.
Right, and Marxists are characterized by their complete lack of reasoning skills, so they have to blindly parrot everything Marx has ever said, especially the stuff that obviously doesn’t work out. This is actually core marxist thinking.
Marxists do hate Markets though
We love oversimplifying generalizations that make us look like absolute buffoons though.
At least according to trustworthy sources, i.e. your gut feeling.
Sort of; a lot of what she does is computer graphics, which just happens to be applications of math she explains. There is still code, but sometimes the “code” is a flow graph in Unreal Engine or Blender.
Conservatism as an ideology believes in the existence of a “natural hierarchy”, where society is ordered into people with power and people without power, and the ones with power deserve that power because that’s the natural hierarchy. Conservatives have the primary objective to enforce that imaginary hierarchy. Basically they’re the remains of Pro-Feudalists from the early days of Capitalism.
This coincides well with modern day capitalism, which also wants to enforce a “natural hierarchy” - just in its case it’s capital vs. labor instead of powerful vs. powerless people.
If you want my opinion, I’d put you in the “right wing liberal” drawer. Which, in american dimensions (because the US does not have a political left wing), would be the democratic party. If you were an actual conservative, you would use abortion as an opportunity to enforce the “women < men” power dynamic for example, because that’s one of the imaginary “natural hierarchies” conservatives believe in.