I’m trying to never go back to the other place, but the thing I miss is that there was always a lively conversation going on somewhere. On lemmy, it seems people don’t want to just have a conversation-it’s either serious or techy- I’m looking for light conversations?

Does this happen anywhere on lemmy where responses to your comments come sooner than a day, and people are just sort of in the ‘lobby’ chatting?

    • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Omg I’ve never tried this

      Edit - appreciate the extra info. I had been wondering if voting affected hot or if it was just comments

  • @bemenaker@lemmy.world
    71 year ago

    I’m thinking that has to do with the volume of users. Lemmy is still a fraction of the user base, but it’s growing. What do you think?

    • Mindlight
      61 year ago

      Yup. I think we’ll just have to a) wait until other people arrive and b) stop pushing subjects such as “how much do you hate Reddit”, “Reddit have big problems now because…”, “Spaz is an a-hole”

      Either Lemmy is a sustainable ecosystem (posts causing discussion which then causes more posts) or Lemmy exists only until Reddit is good again.

      I’m here because I believe that Lemmy is big enough to stand on its own feet.

    • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
      21 year ago

      That’s the obvious answer, but I think how others have said the early crowd is techy here, so maybe a lot of introverts until the crowd diversifies?? Just a guess, but I really try to discuss stuff but get a lot of meh responses

      • @bemenaker@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        Well, early adopters of tech are always the techies, sure you know that. Lemmy has already come a alont way in usability since I started in mid June. As mobile.apps.progress rapidly and the backend stabilizes and adds features, I think it will only grow. I have seen some great discussions on here, without the vitrol you got on Reddit when. You were wrong. I had one yesterday or the day before when it was pointed out to my I had a misunderstanding of a political theory. It was actually a pleasant experience.

        Keep up the casuals, and help this thing grow.

        • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
          11 year ago

          I’ve been trying to focus on inspiring civilized conversations, while occasionally challenging an idea if I have a differing point of view, but only when saying so adds something to the conversation. I was guilty of getting in some spats on Reddit, but usually with trolls who were asking for it-kind of irresistible sometimes over there. I too have been educated by some very patient people here on lemmy when I came over clueless about it and activitypub in general. I’ve had some great in-depth conversations, just looking for the casual lobby where I could do stuff like help newbs (I like to share what I learn) that sort of thing

  • @elephantium@lemmy.world
    61 year ago

    Well, for light conversation…

    My buddy got married today. I’ve known him since high school – we’ve both been married and divorced since then, but we still hang out occasionally.

    They had a dry wedding at his (now their) church, which was apparently where they had their second date. They’re both super religious, so they match pretty well on that front, at least.

    • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
      51 year ago

      Congratulations to your buddy! I went to a dry wedding at a church once. The groom panicked and sent me out for liquor with the best man, so there we were in a church bathroom, 4 guys in their 30s, doing shots with a lookout at the door.

      I sincerely wish them a lifetime of happiness

      • @elephantium@lemmy.world
        41 year ago

        Yeah, I hope so. He’s had a rough time of it lately, so it’s nice to see things looking up for him.

        Thanks for the well-wishes :D

        My wife did see some people tailgating in the parking lot beforehand, ha! I haven’t really been to any dry weddings that I recall (maybe when I was a kid?). I chuckled at the image of 30-somethings taking shots like teens sneaking off at school – also unexpected!

  • Ysverine
    1 year ago

    It’s pretty quiet over on ! benignexistence since there aren’t too many users following it at the moment, but it’s a good place for light, chilled out conversations when people pick up on a post.

      • Lafayette Louisiana here. I just think because it’s such a techie group it tends to have a lot of introverts. Me included.

        What got my sucked into Lemmy admittedly is the federation nature, which I’m new to. The reddit events was the push I needed to commit to setting up my own instance!

        I assume you joined also because of the reddit stuff?

        • @canthidium@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          Louisiana crew! I’m from Shreveport, but I live in Colorado now. My ex wife is from Lafayette. Been there a few times.

        • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
          11 year ago

          Yes, I was an Apollo user since forever. I won’t run Reddit app, and they kept suspending me for no reason all the time. Such bs, what app actively chases out contributors? So I ended up here. I just need somewhere to find my curated content and discuss the things I have questions about

          Lemmy is awesome, but I wish everything was encrypted. I understand that with federation it’s a bit pointless in theory, but it would improve a few aspects imo.

          • Yeah pros and cons for sure. Im loving Lemmy. I’m still waiting for the perfect android app for it though. Every one that exists is missing usually one or two key features.

            • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
              21 year ago

              I came from Apollo on iOS, so Voyager is scratching the itch for me, almost completely.

              I like discussing stuff. I’m a student of cryptography from way back, who got involved in cryptocurrency later in life. I find lemmy to be pretty anti-crypto. People have said this is because lemmings are left-leaning and so therefore don’t like crypto, but this flies in the face of all the norms I know as an old guy who worked through these industries from the 1980s (technology, computing, programming and cryptography). This is another thing I miss from the-social-network-which-shall-not-be-named - an active bitcoin community

              • @canthidium@lemmy.world
                21 year ago

                I’m not against crypto. I even did some mining a couple years ago but it just wasn’t worth it for me. I think a lot of the anti-crypto talk is because it was heralded as the next coming of christ of currency and it just…wasn’t. It never took off mainstream and now the hype has blown over. Also, crypto’s value has tanked across the board leading many to look at it as a failure. Similar with NFTs. They could have had many good uses but scammers took hold pretty quickly and now it’s just a joke. I don’t think the current state of crypto is gonna make it. I do think it could reemerge as something more mainstream in the future. It’s just not ready in its current iteration.

                • @toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
                  31 year ago

                  It’s such a deep and controversial subject. I’ve never tried mining. There are some simple use cases, like tipping creators on social media, that don’t require a person to close all their bank accounts and convert all their dollars to bitcoins, but people take any talk of innovation in the space as a demand that they change their philosophy of money, so to me, the anti-crypto crowd seems reactionary and toxic.

      • @CloverSi
        21 year ago

        Oh neat, I’m over in St Pete. Hey neighbor o/