• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I know it’s not ideal and space is certainly an issue, but yt-dlp can download playlists… so effectively what you can do to make it easier is to just dump everything you want to keep in a playlist, and you can even automate it so yt-dlp runs every 6 hours or whatever to get anything you’ve added to your list. At least for stuff you deem important, it’s at least something.

    I’m actually surprised there isn’t an extension to “cache” any videos watched… stage6 (rip) used to just inherently save everything you watched. It’s been over 15 years and I still miss that damn site ;_; we’ve certainly gone in the very wrong direction since then

    Meanwhile I’m about to buy ~50tb of local storage because YouTube is finally pulling the plug on the grandfathered gsuite “as much storage as you need” plan and I’ve got 30tb of shit to move, so I certainly feel your pain. At least my old mining rig motherboards will finally have something to do again… 16 1x pcie slots can support 64 harddrives, so I should be good for a bit.

  • I disagree that it’d be unfair. If you have content to contribute, please do. I get the idea of wanting to be hands-off as much as possible to let the community define itself, but you are a member of the community and shouldn’t second guess your contributions to it.

    Back when I ran my torrent tracker, I stayed as hands off as possible, whereas I really regret that and should’ve “seeded” the site with more content to steer the ship a bit. Yeah, it was a pretty big site for its time, but I ended up hating the lack of diverse content. It was pretty much all anime porn by the end of its run. I had no intention of banning anything, but if I wanted to see more of something, it should’ve been my job to guide it better to make that happen. More content is better, but I let the community take the reins and all they wanted was coomies.

    Id disagree if you were making all these communities and forcing them down everybodies throat, but that’s not what you’re doing… If people don’t like it, they don’t have to click it, but you’re giving more opportunities for interaction with new content, and I can’t see how that’d be a bad thing. So please, by all means, more to see, more to do… Imo.

  • The funny thing is i was in a pretty heavy debate (oddly enough on the KDE subreddit) because i called out righties for making something political that really didn’t need to be, and then the lefties came out in force to swarm me for the single line “I’m no ally to either side”. Oh man, you’d think I started Nazi marching to those people, absolutely no tolerance for someone that refuses to be in full lock step with every line of their bullshit. And then people wonder why I’m no ally to either side. It’s because the “sides” are straight up fucking cults at this point. In a world of, what, almost 8 billion people, things are more complex than 2 “sides”

    I read the thread you mention (I did my homework), and I was simultaneously amused and disgusted. Amused at how badly they needed a box to place you in to feel better about their little world view, but disappointed and disgusted that we’re in a timeline and place where people can’t just go “meh, I disagree” and move on. And with civility, but that’s certainly out the window. So much fucking drama over such stupid shit. Seriously.

    I don’t have to agree with someone to respect their stance, nor do I need to respect their stance to agree. Anyone can have a good or a bad take. I care not about the messenger, but the ideas presented. The original aim of “anonymous” was to separate the ideas from the identity so each idea could stand on its own merits. It’s a good concept, but instituted by flawed beings that crave attention, it’s doomed to failure. Which is sad, because it’s a good idea.

    I could continue ranting (I probably most closely align with the “vegetarians” so clearly I don’t know when to shut the hell up, though admittedly I say I’m small L because I don’t vibe with centralized power over a concept or idea), but I’ll cease for now since I’m already veering vaguely off the original topic…

  • Honestly, it’s why I’m trying to jumpstart more diverse but “safe” communities. If it’s nothing but lolis and cubs, the target is clear, but with decent discussion based communities, it becomes a bit more difficult and there’s an argument to be made that they’re not just blocking one type of content, they’re blocking entirely unrelated communities because they don’t like part of what they’re hosting. That bolsters the free speech argument even more when speech they like is inherently intertwined with speech they don’t like.

    I want this place to thrive. It doesn’t need to be the biggest, and inevitably zero tolerance types will block it regardless, but I want the decision to censor it to be painful for as many people as possible.

  • My reasons for picking this as my home aren’t because it’s loli friendly, but also because it is. I’m tired of people getting mad about others opinions and thoughts. I don’t particularly like certain content advertised as welcome here, but that’s the point. I’ll never call for a ban on people having their own places to share their thoughts. I don’t have to like what you say to defend your right to say it, and this instance seems to share this stance. Standing up for unpopular speech is how I found this place. People need to chill and let others exist to share their ideas, good and bad, so people can make up their own damn minds on who they are or aren’t.

    Don’t be a dick goes so many ways, including the stripping away of voices from those that others may not like. So here I am. Happy to be here.