• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I had been musing about why couldn’t federation take over for reddit going full corporate that Mastodon or Pixmo use be also applied to reddit like environment and was pointed to lemmy.

    the top hit on my google search for ‘lemmy federation’ was someone on reddit going nuts about how lemmy is anti-privacy. I got cross-eyed trying to follow their logic, and gave up, and instead of spinning up my own thing I decided to see what was out there.

    I used the ‘find an instance’ thing and let me say whoo boy, lot of far left stuff, and far right stuff, funny how the uh, very specific porn stuff one seemed the most open and chill.

    I Wasn’t aware it was blocked anywhere, I was just looking for a place that wasn’t too ban-happy and finding ‘this site praises communism’ i was very against joinging one of those. I looked for a place that tried to remain open to discussion about topics, but wasn’t going to be very cess pool-y. I’ll be honest I’m not some firebrand but since I was a kid I’ve been against the crusaders that try and block everything so finding a place that was trying to do the opposite within reason that’s where I figured I’d hang the digital hat.

    I admit, I have pretty bland tastes in sexual content being a child of the 80s so I’m not really here to participate there but if that content can make it, then arguging about other things can too. I admit, after serching on what the terms meant and how they were defined I was a little concerned that it went a bit to close to the sun as far as what’s legal here in the US but it’s not my site and I’m not here to yuck your yum.

  • when the OGL kerfuffle started we used it as the reason to switch to the pf2e system. I decided to run the troubles under Otari newbie adventure and were a number of sessions into it. So far, 30+ year RPG veterans in our group are just loving it. I don’t think we’ll go back to anything WoTC or Hasbro releases for some time.