Not the top right though.
Not the top right though.
He was Prince of Wales (because he was heir apparent), that’s not the same as being Welsh.
As I understand it, he was fined exactly the amount he earned over 3 years of a job where he was using a VPN.
The smell lingers rather well. It doesn’t need to be refreshed that often.
The majority of playgrounds in Germany have rules restricting them to children (usually below 14 years of age). Violations can be punished with a fine.
EV is do produce fine particles from brakes and mainly tires, but no combustion involved emissions. But it’s still a great win, especially for the air quality in cities and with that, the total health impact for the population they cause.
Not just drowning victims. Many freshly dead persons will have Dihydrogen Monoxide in their system, including but not limited to their lungs. They try to keep it a secret. Doctors will usually not write it down outside of the mentioned drowning.
If the body decays, that’s a strong sign the person had the substance inside it at the time of death.
Boy, Oxo has has a terrible website. Decline their tracking and it gets stuck “Processing request” while blocking the whole page. Accept and it’s immediately usable.
Ich habe zuerst an einen internen Streit zwischen AfDlern gedacht.
Enthoben ist er seit Anfang des Jahres vorläufig, das wird jetzt permanent.!5922664/
Die Anklage gegen Dettmar wegen des Verdachts auf Rechtsbeugung, die voraussichtlich ab dem 18. April vor dem Landgericht Erfurt verhandelt wird, ist ein Novum in der Justizgeschichte – denn die Biegung des Rechts war mutmaßlich politisch motiviert. Ebenso ungewöhnlich ist es, einen Robenträger vor einem rechtskräftigen Strafurteil vorübergehend seines Amtes zu entheben, noch dazu mit um 25 Prozent verminderten Dienstbezügen.
Trotzdem hat das Richterdienstgericht Meiningen den radikalen Schritt als „entfernungsvorbereitende Dienstenthebung“ nach dem thüringischen Richterdisziplinarrecht angeordnet. Dettmar sei „hinreichend verdächtig“, das Vertrauen des Dienstherren und der Allgemeinheit in seine Amtsführung „unheilbar zerstört“ zu haben.
Das Dienstgericht stützt sich auf drei Begründungen: die „überwiegende Wahrscheinlichkeit“, dass Dettmar aufgrund der bisherigen Ermittlungsergebnisse verurteilt wird, die rechtliche Kritik an seinem Antimaskenbeschluss und den Vorwurf, die ihm übertragene Rechtsprechung missbraucht zu haben, „um die staatlichen Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Coronapandemie auszuhebeln“ und dabei die richterliche Unabhängigkeit zur Durchsetzung eigener Zwecke ausgenutzt zu haben.
I’m sure there’s some obscure source saying something like that, but at least in the bible angel feedback is no part of the creation.
Is being able to afford these things really not affecting anything?
Especially the pet sounds like quite a difference to me.
Naja, in der Öffentlichkeit kann man populistische Talking points bedienen, die im direkten Gespräch im Hinterzimmer müde weggelächelt und ignoriert werden.
Gebe dir aber Recht, gerade mit deinem Caveat. Wenn beide Seiten wirklich konstruktiv sind, ist es auch interessant, die öffentliche Austragung zu verfolgen.
If the microchip just contains a unique serial ID you can check with the producer, it would be just as easy to print it in the casing or glue it to the side of the wheel, no need to implant it in the outermost layer of cheese.
That is the normal case in Germany. Our small town has about 10 districts and they all use the school, but spread over different rooms in different parts of the building. Your invitation contains your district number and there’s ample pointer where to find which district. And in case you lost your invitation and have no idea about your district, we can always look you up in the voter list, which contains all adult residents.
I take it your districts are bigger than several hundred people? In bigger cities we use several buildings, but any voting place should still be able to direct you to the right district. In case the local volunteers are unsure, they can always call the voting office, which contains the guys that planned everything and they clear things up, but that’s rarely necessary.
The 36 dead this year mentioned in the post description are only for the direct conflict between the two biggest groups, the total is double that.
The two gangs were behind 80 percent of the total of 68 gang-related killings or attempted killings in Marseille this year, she added.
Keep in mind that this will hide all of your own posts from you, including in your account view outside the saved posts view.
There’s currently a meeting in Germany with about 4000 of them.
But it’s not the prevailing mindset in the general population.
The blokes are obviously at different heights, that’s all.
All true, just want to add to it.
You can bring the mace anyway, just in case, as long as you don’t mind carrying it. One other major benefit is that the things could be dirt cheap because you don’t need good quality metal.
But if you want to hit people, and have a money and time for training, go for an axe. Pretty much all the advantages of a mace, but can cut on top (and usually poke too).
The other part of the equation is not getting killed, and usually the guys in heavy armor are good at killing you. Getting in striking range for a medium range weapon like a mace/axe/sword is damn dangerous, so a slower weapon like a mace or axe that’s additionally bad at defending because of a more distant point of balance means a much increased risk to your life. So if it’s one on one, you should really think twice about trying to getting that lucky strike in.