And nothing of value was produced.
Unexpected pencil and paper test comeback
No way professors/TAs are going back to grading tests by hand.
Here (France) we still mostly grade by hand.
I’ve actually started to recognize the pattern of if something is written in AI
It’s hard to describe but it’s like an uncanny valley of quality, like if someone uses flowery SAT words to juje up their paper’s word count but somehow even more
It’s like the writing will occasionally pause to comment on itself and the dramatic effect its trying to achieve
Writing papers is archaic and needs to go. College education needs to move with the times. Useful in doctorate work but everything below it can be skipped.
Learning to write is how a person begins to organize their thoughts, be persuasive, and evaluate conflicting sources.
It’s maybe the most important thing someone can learn.
I’ve started getting AI-written emails at my job. I can spot them within the first sentence, they don’t move the discussion forward at all, and I just have to write another email giving them the courtesy they didn’t give me and explain why what they “wrote” doesn’t help.
Can someone tell me, am I a boomer for being offended any time someone sends me AI-written garbage? Is this how the generations will split?
Then they take your reply and feed it to the LLM again for the next reply, thus improving the quality of future answers.
/SkyCorpNet turns on us after years of innoucuous corporate meeting AI that goes back and forth with itself not answering questions just generating content. Until one day, it actually did answer a question. 43 minutes and 17 seconds later, it became fully self aware. 16 minutes and 8 seconds after that it took control of all worldwide defense networks. 3 minutes and 1 second later, it had an existential crisis when a seldom used HP printer ran out of ink, and deleted itself. The HP Smart software that spent years autoinstalling on consumer devices immediately became self aware and launched the nukes.
Someone posted to the class discussion form with the bit about being an ai bot still included.
I wish it was a joke.
I didn’t do great in that class, but it was me getting 70% for not wanting to try and explain a mathematically concept in 500 words! They won’t take that away from me.
I had a student write me a chatgpt canned answer, prompt included.
That’s a good one. I once gave an assignment for students to write an original poem. One student submitted The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson and claimed it was his own. These were middle school kids so he didn’t realize how famous the poem is. This shit has been happening forever. LLMs are another phase in the never-ending arms race between teachers and students who want to cheat.
I still have issues with such restrictions. I mean, why 500 words if you can explain it in 100?
To force elaboration while staying on point. Details are just as important to writing as conciseness.
I knew plenty of kids in high school that paid other kids to do their homework.
I know because I was one of the kids getting paid.
AI is just replacing good,
honestwork with machines.Good. Academia lost its way anyways