I’ve never played any Baldurs Gate, but am interested in playing the upcoming one. Checking proton db, it looks like the previous games had good Linux support (even native support?).

What are the odds we’ll see Linux compatibility with this newest one?

  • Macpoedel@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago

    Larian’s previous game (Divinity Original Sin 2) didn’t have a native port, the one before that did. I think it’s unlikely that BG 3 will get a native port but it seems to work well enough through Proton.

    Which previous games were you looking at by the way, BG1 and BG2? BG3 has little to do with those except for the setting, it’s a really different game (some dislike it for that).

  • Meuzzin@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My personal experience…

    I’ve been playing BG3 using Proton since Patch one. It went from running alright, too absolute shit, too Amazing recently. There was a period during EA where Vulkan wasn’t working at all. Possibly because they were optimizing. As of now, I run it 1440p, max or near max settings, on a mediocre PC with Proton 8.0x. It’s a truly beautiful game, and I’ve only seen about 75% of ACT 1…

    So yes, although not natively supported, it runs perfect with Proton.