Mikrobitti on tietotekniikkaan erikoistunut lehti, joka antaa syvällistä tietoa laitteista, palveluista ja ilmiöistä. Mikrobitissä testataan ja vertaillaan tietotekniikan kiinnostavimmat tuotteet.
It’s an accurate translation. Mikrobitti is a generic computer magazine (with a long history) so it could either be that the author is not very familiar with Linux cli or it might also be that they were trying to put it in layman’s terms.
Translation difficulties, or does the author really think that’s what it’s normally used for?
It’s an accurate translation. Mikrobitti is a generic computer magazine (with a long history) so it could either be that the author is not very familiar with Linux cli or it might also be that they were trying to put it in layman’s terms.