I’m seeing burggit expand more and more to being the loli hentai instance, but I was wondering if there was a direction you wished the community would expand to instead. Steering needs to happen early before things are set too much and a more balanced community with a wide range of attractions keep people coming back.

I’m thinking of making a few communities, but I want to not make this a one note instance if that’s not the direction you want to go.

More discussion?

More irl porn?

More mature hentai?

More loli?

Maybe some sfw anime images?

  • soulnull@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I disagree that it’d be unfair. If you have content to contribute, please do. I get the idea of wanting to be hands-off as much as possible to let the community define itself, but you are a member of the community and shouldn’t second guess your contributions to it.

    Back when I ran my torrent tracker, I stayed as hands off as possible, whereas I really regret that and should’ve “seeded” the site with more content to steer the ship a bit. Yeah, it was a pretty big site for its time, but I ended up hating the lack of diverse content. It was pretty much all anime porn by the end of its run. I had no intention of banning anything, but if I wanted to see more of something, it should’ve been my job to guide it better to make that happen. More content is better, but I let the community take the reins and all they wanted was coomies.

    Id disagree if you were making all these communities and forcing them down everybodies throat, but that’s not what you’re doing… If people don’t like it, they don’t have to click it, but you’re giving more opportunities for interaction with new content, and I can’t see how that’d be a bad thing. So please, by all means, more to see, more to do… Imo.

    • Burger@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      Thank you for your perspective. I’ll create it when I come across a post on /g/ that makes me laugh my head off. There’s no reason that I couldn’t pin a post on there saying that I’ll turn this over to the first person who wants it on a first come first serve basis.