…does your semen count as “you” for purposes of applying, “same matter can’t occupy the same space.”?

Does your spit?

Clearly breathing the same air is not enough to trigger “touch” effects in TimeCop as multiple characters have shared a room with themselves without gooing out, no mask or nothing. What about blowing? If the air in your lungs doesn’t count as “you” if your spit did would wet coughs count as “you”?

Could you get dander or dandruff on your past or future self?

Surely blood—the lifeblood of a person—must count as “you”, no? Could a person Wei Zhijun their blood onto their future or past selves to kill them, and would it take both out if so?

If you shared underwear with past you and one of you didn’t wipe so good, do skidmarks count as “you” and you’d goo out or is the worst that’d happen’s you’d have doody on you?

Can you shake hands with you with a glove on?
If yes, does a condom enable you to fuck yourself?

Could you safely DP someone with your past/future self as long as balls (nor any other parts of yous) didn’t touch?

Previous posts about Sucking Off your Father and Inseminating Your Mother