If you use Linux to edit audio, mix songs and work with audio in general, including having trouble making certain audio hardware work, it’s your chance to join a community effort to make Linux audio creation better and more accesible.

The Audio Creation SIG (Special Interest Group) is a hub for creators to help each other create and together try and find ways to get better hardware and VST support for Linux.

  • s38b35M5@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It was definitely easier to create music with my current tools when I used Windows and Cubase! I left Windows behind for good and haven’t been able to scratch that itch.

    Would love to be able to get back to low-latency and tools I understand. I haven’t been breaking my back trying, but I spent a few days with different DAWs and not really getting anywhere close. If it became easier, I’d get my MIDI kit back out and my USB audio interface and mics and start creating music again. I’m no Dev, but a creative lacking the tools for expression.

    Good to hear that something like this is possibly getting moving.