Didn’t Leto get a cool ass suit, like armour that made him a superhero in Children of Dune. In God Emperor of Dune is where he became the wormy fascists
It’s been forever since I read it, but I think the cool suit was covering himself in sandtrout, which eventually led to the wormy fascism?
I did think more or less the same thing on seeing this meme though, in that my first reaction was “wait, wasn’t that God Emperor?”
Yes, in Children of Dune, Leto 2 undergoes the water rite or something like that, and the concentrated spice in him makes sand trout (baby worms) cling to his skin and form an armor over his entire body except the face. And then 4000 years later in God Emperor, him big worm.
The worm armor makes him super strong and fast, but i don’t remember him doing a lot with that in the books.
::: spoiler kicks down an imprenetrable door and fucking murders Alia. :::
Oh right, that!
Been a while since I read them and my enjoyment of the series drops with each further book (except for the fun spike of b-movie wackiness in Emperor).
i love the sequels. my enjoyment increases with each book
Sleeping bags are great, I love how they encase you from all sides, it makes me feel so safe and hugged, and they don’t stop hugging you when you move around (like a blanket). They’re my snug cocoon and I’m the disintegrated goo waiting to become a butterfly.
I couldn’t agree more, I just wish that they were not made out of that thin plastic material on the inside…
Immediately has to pee.
Shai Hulud!
Emperor Tomato Worm.For the curious, this is Yotsuba / Yotsuba to / Yotsuba&!
…it’s good, cute fun, and I need to go back and finish it.