Yeah, please run to Madagascar or Greenland.
People don’t start at greenland?
Saudi Arabia is the meta for most disease types.
I always used India?
China is probably my favourite (and sometimes I pair it with Canada)🙃
I can see the reasoning for that, yeah. Saudi Arabia’s airport connects to a lot of other countries, though, making for fast spread if you rush air transmission 1 and 2
Oooh I gotta try that then!
Same here
too late. The point for mutli organ failure just hasn’t been invested yet. You are as good as dead.
Boat is best option
Plague Go!
Gotta catch em all
“GuYs, StOp PanIcKiNg, tHIs iS oBvIOuSly A mAniPuLatED ImAGe.”
spece tim