Almost all the memes I have saved are pretty much void of any real statement or opinion, except maybe “this is humorously absurd”. Unfortunately they’re all images and I don’t want to go to the trouble of transcribing them
In general if something appears to he trying to sway or convince me toward something, it isn’t a meme, it’s a political cartoon or an advertisement, even if it’s trying to be humorous.
Does posting images work on lemmy?
Ok I see there are some memes that are in the meirl category but at least half(probably more) of memes have a clear point of view that is being expressed.
You’ve got saved memes? Post em! The only one that can change the balance of memes is you.
Why do you come here if not to see other people’s opinions?
I come here, to the memes place, to see memes
Do you expect memes to contain no opinions in them?
I expect opinions to not be the subjects of the memes usually
I feel like memes almost exclusively include opinions, usually the most popular ones.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a meme that isn’t expressing an opinion. Do you have any examples in mind?
Almost all the memes I have saved are pretty much void of any real statement or opinion, except maybe “this is humorously absurd”. Unfortunately they’re all images and I don’t want to go to the trouble of transcribing them
In general if something appears to he trying to sway or convince me toward something, it isn’t a meme, it’s a political cartoon or an advertisement, even if it’s trying to be humorous.
Does posting images work on lemmy? Ok I see there are some memes that are in the meirl category but at least half(probably more) of memes have a clear point of view that is being expressed.
You’ve got saved memes? Post em! The only one that can change the balance of memes is you.
oh shit that works? Ok that’s nice, did not realize
how do I do that from mobile? Is it on mobile clients at all, or is it just connect that’s missing it?
I’m using a mobile browser, not sure about connect