• Infiltrated_ad8271
    99 months ago

    I know I should be happy and grateful for this, but unfortunately I’m going to be the grumpy one on duty to say a resounding and exasperating: It’s about time.

    I’ve been waiting for this for over a decade full of ups and downs with few and bad options, for a while they even deliberately broke all the web translation addons without offering any alternatives.

    In fact, it is only recently that there are two very good addons: TWP and linguist (which also has local translation). I hope mozilla will do more than just integrate the addon they released a year ago, because that one is inferior in everything and very pitiful.

    • Vincent
      19 months ago

      I am sceptical that breakage was deliberate. An unfortunate side-effect of something else in a trade-off that Mozilla deemed worth it, maybe.

      • Infiltrated_ad8271
        09 months ago

        At that time there were some addons that worked to translate web (not just selected text), and at least one of them was even recommended by mozilla.

        The problem is that to translate from google they used a remote code execution method, I’m not sure but I seem to remember that mozilla changed their policy to not allow that and didn’t warn the devs (if mozilla simply didn’t notice for years it would be even more worrying).
        In any case someone reported them all and they were immediately banned, some of the devs tried to reason with mozilla and look for workarounds but to no avail.

        Until alternatives appeared (after a couple of years?) it was necessary to install blacklisted or unsigned addons, which is a bit tedious.