Why do I feel bad for A: an anime tank and B: a tank
Why do I feel bad for A: an anime tank and B: a tank
I can promise you, if a guy saw a sexy nude women in a window one time, every time he walks down that street he will look at the window, just in case
Im cutious how much lower the ocean’s water level would be t fill in for the missing land because thats a lot of cubic volume and what impact that might have on further revealing existing land due to the lower water levels
Nice try tankie Biden is still less embarassing than trump was
I prefered the gamecube version over the switch version because I cant run and spray at the same time. The gamecube had analog L and R buttons and the switch has digital so theres no gradual on/off its just “oh you want to spray then no moving for you” and I lasted all of 20 minutes on the switch version
North Carolina has a coastline though. Granted the issue this time was that the storm came in from the southwest and hit communities that were completely unprepared for the heavy rain, high winds and flash floods