Won’t work. The recommendation algorithms have been designed to maximize engagement. Anger is the most effective way to engage people, so they will always end up recommending far-right shit again.
Ethical maybe, but definitely not vegan
Get a Fairphone then.
True. In the Netherlands the distinction between autumn and winter weather is usually not very big though.
Stupid thing is, it should have been here already. But it’s the end of October and it’s still almost 20°C in the afternoon.
True, but in small companies it’s not uncommon.
5+ years, not exactly sure how many. It might have been possible when i played but i just didn’t know about it.
I haven’t played Minecraft in a long time. Can you name animals now?
Since when do Windows users have sense?
Traffic rules prevent deaths. Tickets are only handed out to assholes who disregard the safety of other people on the road. Measures like this make cities a better place to live in.
He might prey on them, but I’m quite sure he doesn’t predate deer.
Now, some people might think it’s generated by AI
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ex metus, iaculis sed mattis sed, commodo sed diam. Phasellus accumsan luctus ornare. Sed vestibulum, libero eget posuere imperdiet, tortor metus vestibulum orci, ac maximus ligula tortor ac risus. Fusce in suscipit magna. Etiam nec metus eu mi aliquet consequat. Aenean vel leo posuere, ultrices lacus ut, egestas quam. Proin odio risus, rutrum ut dui nec, varius varius dui. Phasellus felis ante, vulputate sit amet tellus nec, imperdiet hendrerit sapien.
I also hate that it creates a loopback device for every installed snap
How do you know it has peace of mind and is not just lying down because the constant panic is exhausting?
If your job requires you to use chrome and vscode, 8GB is usually not enough :/