i want to unsubscribe from the stabbing service
i want to unsubscribe from the stabbing service
deutsche bahn would still be late
yes, its all taking shape
the shape is spheroid
the appearance of excalistapler heralds the returnal of Klaus
praise his name
noo, a polycule with a pack of volus “biotic gods” who are permanently on red sand biotic crack
epson is kinda scummy with their ink cartridges and also has bloat
brother is superior
that name invokes the old horror that is printers
prediction if this becomes widespread: soon they will have their own wireless internet connection just so they wont have to rely on your network to spy on you lel😎
sach ma du pimml, ich zei dir glei germapfobe. !!!111einseinself
RL patch when?
after seeing this:
before seeing this:
doctors are way to overbooked and overworked. people being offended by actual solutions really doesn’t help.
can we have some other guy where these people can go to, to relax the system?
just some dude who tells them: hell yeah sis! its ok, eat yourself to death! here take some drugs so you dont notice your problems anymore, bye
you don’t need a highly trained professional for that. cheap solution
oh sweet, looks like fantasy dwarves built it
he is missing a vital bodypart to a healthy marriage. is that why he wants to sneak up to her?
to many companies operating like a locust swarm
acquire, consume, destroy
the other sub might also be full of se(a)men
that’s not a sub, that’s a submissive person in a sexual context
oh i can assure you, the general population/the normal people suffered greatly.