Mushrooms, mushrooms everywhere!
We get a fair amount in our yard from time to time - I think due to the old stump that used to be there. It’s mostly gone now.
These have just been the biggest ones I’ve seen so far not to mention they were a decent way away from the stump so they stood out to me.
I used to work for a computer repair place long, long ago and I was on the laptop repair line.
I went to unscrew a laptop but for some reason my screwdriver wasn’t catching the screw… a coworker took the screwdriver and put more force into and there was sickening crunch that wasn’t hardware…
He removed the screw along with an impaled dead baby cockroach…
But this isn’t the end. Oh no.
When that screw came out with its buddy they had friends.
A lot of friends.
Flooding out of that tiny screwhole like something from a god damn horror movie.
We bagged that up and sent it back to the customer. It did not get repaired that day to say the least.