• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Did you click on the article? It’s made very clear very early in the article that they have added regenerative braking systems to the trains. This is well established technology. It’s in every Prius since 1997 so I would think you wouldn’t be confused about whether this is perpetual motion or if they are making grand claims of net energy surplus. It doesn’t say any of that. It’s cool that they are applying the technology in this way. Why does this seem confusing to you?

  • Piracy, cable TV, cord cutting.

    You’re throwing a lot of words together without making any argument.

    YT is winning the battle against blockers as evidenced by the extreme vitriol toward them here right now.

    YT are winning at business: they are massively successful.

    YT are winning competitively. Just listen to the cries of monopoly around here. That’s how strong YT are.

    YT won my business by making something I use every day and mostly can’t find a substitute for.

    What are they losing again? They’re not even losing the ad blocker users, who clearly and obviously depend greatly on YT or they wouldn’t be so mad that their free ride is over.

    Explain to me again how someone who writes an ad blocker gives you the idea that YT is supposed to be creating an egalitarian world? That part made no sense.

  • All you have to do is look at other streaming services which are subscriber-only to see the truth of what I said. Even the ones that have ads are not doing backflips to cram them everywhere as the other commenter complained, because ads are just supplementary revenue, not primary. The subscription model is incredibly strong historically and currently. It’s patently ridiculous that you think you can wave it away so easily. You’ll also notice that most other subscriptions are cheaper than YT Premium - because they’re going for subscriber scale where YT has a powerful ad business in place that subscriptions replace.

    If you’re not following me, I’ll simplify: if everyone on YT has to subscribe, as on Netflix, it in fact would cost a lot less. But you don’t, so you get ads up the wazoo.

    I’m even more baffled by your criticism that YT cares more about shareholders than creating an egalitarian society. Thats true of literally every business including the one you work for. YT never said they were trying to make society egalitarian. Where do you even get that shit from?

  • That’s a good question because the clone army based on Jango Fett shows that cloning tech is basically perfected in this universe. But the conditions were less than perfect in Palpatine’s case. Jango Fett was there in the facility, young and healthy and giving fresh blood samples daily. It’s not explicit but I took it that there was something special about him that made him ideal, too. Perhaps his genes were more compatible with cloning somehow. Palpatine was not such a specimen. He died unexpectedly, was already old, and they might have had to clone him from whatever they could find, like the smell of his farts on his throne cushion or whatever. Cloning is copying so source fidelity matters.

  • It’s not like YT is a democracy LOL

    And YT was never free. It has had ads from the beginning. Perhaps not its very first months as a startup but those were supported by its seed investment capital so obviously a special and finite circumstance.

    YT is ad supported. It always had been. Free services need to make money somehow and ads are one way. It is baffling watching people realize this for the first time because they’ve been shielded by their ad blocker for years, but dude, here outside that little bubble, in the real world, this is how things work.