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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Some of the best cyberpunk characters are women and the clothing is cooler.

    For the former point: molly millions/Sally shears and YT were both by far the most interesting characters in the sprawl series and snow crash respectively.

    Funny thing about cyberpunk as a genre is the women are often the badasses with complex characters and the male leads are usually bumbling selfish dummies that generally fail to resolve anything (Hiro protagonist in snow crash, Johnny mnemonic, case in neuromancer, and to a lesser degree bato in GIS who’s just clueless half the time instead of bumbling).

    For the latter: mox gear is better than worn browns and grays.

    I also just think the voice actor is better and Judy is the most interesting love interest.