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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I think maybe you misread (looking back my comment wasn’t worded great). I don’t believe anything in the Bible is true.

    What I’m saying is that they are acting consistently with their faith. Jesus said a lot of some cool stuff, but it doesn’t erase all of the horrific shit that their god did before, and how their god tells them to act. And don’t forget their god is literally also Jesus. The guy who killed every first born Jew in Egypt (unless you performed a blood magick ritual), and ruined the life of his most faithful servant, killing his family in the process, just to make a point to “the devil”. The guy who almost made his #1 prophet murder his own son just for the lulz.

    That’s Jesus too. And any Christian who disagrees is a heretic.

    And no, Jesus didn’t “replace” the old law or whatever bullshit people like to tell themselves. The bible is very clear that those rules are still in place.

    Jesus himself said he was there to fulfill the law. Meaning the Old Testament. And that is problematic. He was literally ok with owning humans as property, and that it’s ok to beat them as long as you don’t kill them. Because they’re a thing that you own. That’s the law Jesus came to fulfill, and not once did he renounce a single word of it.

    “Oh but that was just the way things were then…” Yeah, so the son of God (who is also literally God) can’t say, oh I don’t know, “slavery is an abomination. You cannot own humans”? Didn’t want to cause trouble? Jesus, the guy super well known for staying in line and not rocking the boat 🙄.

    A book that would go on to be used as justification for chattal slavery in North America, and cause more pain and suffering than any of us could possibly imagine.

    People like to act like their bible doesn’t say this shit, and that folks like Westboro Baptist don’t follow the same book (when they actually follow it more closely). The reality is, Christianity is ugly stuff, and it’s wholly incompatible with a modern (peaceful) society.

  • It may not be the knowing intention of all of the “normal” people, but it is (one of) the intentions of the politicians, pundits, talking heads, etc. that those people listen to and parrot.

    It’s kind of hard to believe that all people trying to censor LGBTQ+ […]

    See, that’s the thing, these are humans just existing.

    We have a word for “censoring” groups of humans for simply existing. That’s called genocide.

    So what you’re doing (not necessarily you, people in general), excusing the “garden variety” bigot, is reminiscent of what was seen with the Nazis after ww2. Did every German nationalist, and member of the Nazi party, personally commit acts of genocide? Or were they just part of a bigger machine, and their “garden variety” hatred for Jews was unrelated to what was actually happening to them (and other marginalized groups)?

    Turns out, when it comes to genocide, you don’t get off scot free just because you didn’t personally pull the lever to start up the gas chamber.

  • Meanwhile… child labor protections? Who needs em? Protections against child marriage (or let’s call it what it is, rape)? They’ll be fine. God wills it, after all, and it’s in the Bible (or so they’re told, very few of them actually read it).

    Meanwhile, actual abuse is happening constantly in the Catholic (and others) church, and what do they do? Just shuffle 'em around a little bit. They “repented”, so that means we can leave him alone with kids in Montana now instead of New Mexico. Problem solved! Thank the lord!

    These fuckers have zero interest in actually protecting children, and for a good chunk of them, they’re actively working toward the exact opposite.

  • Anti-LGBTQ+ people have shifted (back, this isn’t new) to arguing that any exposure to anybody or anything that isn’t completely hetero-normative, to be “child abuse”. The internet is one of the few things many children in particularly backwards states (looking at you Florida and Texas) still have that can show them the truth/reality about gender and sexuality. So naturally, conservatives are desperately looking for ways to stop that.

    Meanwhile, the blatant, real sexual abuse and grooming of children is mainly happening in the church and in the home. There’s a reason these parents don’t want their children understanding the very very basics of sexuality, their bodies, and what is right/wrong when it comes to adults touching them. And it ain’t because they care about their wellbeing.

    A kid can’t rat you out if they don’t know the word for what you’re doing, or that it’s even wrong in the first place. How convenient for them.

  • It already has a name. That’s my point.

    It’s not “happening once again,” it has been happening constantly for a century. It’s just another form of rent seeking. People like yourself are so focused on tech that you can’t put it together and realize that this is something that happens everywhere in capitalism. Giving it different names due to slight variations, or depending on which market, makes it impossible to do anything about on a large scale because it keeps people fractured in their understanding of what is happening.

    I’m glad a bunch of people are finally starting to grasp rent seeking, but it’s important that people realize that this is a long tradition that has been “enshittifying” their entire lives (and their parents’, and grandparents’, and great-great-… you get it).

    As long as people believe that what they’re experience is a unique type of problem, and other industries don’t have that specific problem so therefore they have their own separate battles to fight, then nothing will ever change.