“Who goes there”, John Campbell, 1938.
(And I seem to recall more movies that are rehashes of that novella.)
“Who goes there”, John Campbell, 1938.
(And I seem to recall more movies that are rehashes of that novella.)
deleted by creator
It’s German, and you’re about as right as anyone trying to say a German word in English can expect to get.
Some of the flickering can be gotten rid of by disabling hardware-acceleration for qtwebengine.
I’ve got
export QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS=“–disable-gpu-compositing --num-raster-threads=1 --enable-viewport --main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes --disable-composited-antialiasing”`
in .bashrc.
Note that there is still enough flickering left to annoy, and some (appimage?) apps dont seem to register the setting.
That’s actually a nice one.
And we can still block entire sites on the web.
The sites the friends with adblockers promote.
The friends who don’t notice what they promote.
What unholy bastards the people who own the sites they promote are.
In Buddhism, yes.
For Hindus, well, it’s complicated.
For other people who happen to believe in reincarnation?
That would be anybodys guess, I guess.
Denmark has 880 Pirates of all kinds and they “reach” 46% of 15-24 year olds?
That’s some bloody effective Pirates right there!
Thank you, I was really wondering what “csb” stood for.
And Krita.
Like David Revoy
Also Blender? I’m mean if they’re adding sound effects.
Sofie Jantak does 2D stuff in Blender
Also don’t pirate rain and door knocks, just get them from people who freely share that sort of thing.
Like these
Reasonable presentation, not that difficult to follow.
But I would point out that I haven’t tried any of that other options to learn AI, so can’t really compare.
Oh, by the way, text-only browsers are still a thing.
You might want to look at links and/or lynx and see if they cover your usecase.
It’s a service.
It’s a service given to you for free by a company with no apparant way of generating income.
Would you think about that, please?
The vast majority of the value of a consumer facing computer system is in the people who help other people.
They know that.
Can we be totally honest here and just state what the fear is?
If slaves could vote they’d vote for freedom.
There’s a hole the size of a railroad junction in the 13nd amendment.
Ford was innovative because he used the scientific method to find out how long the work-week should be from a factory-owners perspective.
And then he set it to that.
If you’re a cog in a wheel in a factory that is still the ideal work-week from your owners perspective, sorry.
The Romans calling the Gauls primitive is a bit like the British calling the Americans primitive.
True, but for Gods sake don’t look in the mirror.
My first thought when I read op was that trousers are a relative new development.
The Romans made fun of the Gauls for wearing them.
So if you decide to wear traditional Roman dress, trousers shouldn’t be included.
But it’s still designed for men.
Surely the only languages that are not weird are those specifically designed to be widely spoken?
And no-one wants to speak those!