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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • Ai summary because it seems like folks aren’t reading the article:

    The study finds that threatening anti-piracy messages aimed at deterring digital piracy have the opposite effect on men, finding they increase piracy behaviors by 18% in men. However, such messages can reduce intended piracy in women by over 50%. The research also showed educational messages had no impact on intended piracy for both men and women. Notably, those with more favorable views of piracy saw even higher increases in intended piracy when exposed to threatening messages. The findings suggest anti-piracy groups should tailor their messages for different genders and consider alternative educational approaches to avoid unintended consequences like increasing piracy.

    Seems like threatening messages specifically drive piracy up in men, but not for women. If you have a favorable view on piracy then the aggressive ads make it more likely that you’ll follow through.

    It’s pretty much saying that the industry may want to reconsider the way they frame their warnings because it may actually be influencing people to take action.

  • I recently read that data collection/sale as an “edge service” has been a part of Toyota’s strategy for a hot minute.

    “You may not be surprised that a company like Toyota uses technology it installs in all the cars it sells in Japan to produce data that powers its onboard GPS service. You may be more interested to know that Toyota recognized that the value of this data was not uniquely associated with its primary use. As we will discover in chapter 8, this insight enabled Toyota to successfully launch a new business offering traffic telematics services to businesses and municipalities across Japan using the same data.”

    • Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth by Dan McKone

  • I have a 40% ortholinear kb because it’s more ergonomic. My fingers are never have to travel more than 2 keys away from home row. There are enough built in layers that I never feel like I’m missing a key. All keys are remappable. Beyond that I think it looks neat - folks always ask about it when they see it. When using a mouse and keyboard, my arms are kept at a reasonable distance apart (overall hands are closer together), so I can work or game longer without feeling like my shoulders or back are strained.