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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The bloat makes it harder to find stuff you jive with

    This is my biggest problem. I don’t have the time like I used to to sort through all the riff raff and find the newer music I would like, so I find myself listening to the same stuff I’ve been listening to for 40 years. The closest I get is using Flow in Deezer to try and find something new, but even then it’s rare to find something new that I enjoy. Every so often, though, I’ll find that little nugget that makes me think maybe I should spend an hour or two a week sorting through some new stuff.

  • I’d argue that it’s really in a gray area of open source. It’s not publicly available, which is part of the definition of open source. You have to have an account to access the more stable downstream, and while the account is free, my understanding is that anything released using said code is restricted to Red Hat’s agreements. This is also causing problems for AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux since they can no longer act as downstream distros, which is incredibly important for stability and why people were up in arms over CentOS switching up upstream to begin with. Relying on upstream code isn’t great for stable software.

    As for Fedora, the fact that it’s opt out instead of opt in concerns me. At least with Ubuntu it’s opt in. If this was the only recent change then I wouldn’t consider it much of an issue, but between making it opt out and the changes they’ve done with RHEL, not to mention IBM’s history of anti-competitive behavior, I have some serious doubts to their long term intentions. Besides, the feedback had been overwhelmingly negative but it’s definitely not stopping them from attempting to push this.

    If they’re skirting the GPL and definition of open source like this now, then what other changes are they going to try to do in the next 5-10 years? IBM being involved complicates the situation in ways most other distros don’t have to worry about.

  • Do I have to pick only one? I wasn’t a very bright kid.

    • Willingly let someone taze my testicles in exchange for a beer
    • Regularly jumped off the garage roof to demonstrate it was possible to roll and transition into running while keeping your momentum in exchange for Mike and Ike’s
    • Chased black bears off the trail behind our house for no reason, usually with nothing more than a nearby stick
    • Skinny dipping in a river known to be filled with leeches
    • Got in a drunk argument with a raccoon, which led to my first underage drinking ticket because I refused to be spoken to in that tone
    • Became friends with said raccoon and even met its kits once over stale day old bread I brought home from my high school job at Jimmy John’s
    • Made a potato gun and accidentally fired it backwards, breaking the glass window in the garage
    • Threw M80’s into the water near my uncle every Fourth of July when our families would to the lake
    • Believed a girl I barely knew when she said she was on the pill

    I think that covers most of my mid to late teens back in the 90’s. Can you believe I’m a systems engineer now?