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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • It’s a security\legal risk to allow adhoc wireless networks within your environment, pretty much any organization above a certain size has the same restrictions.

    You could theoretically allow anyone to access your router directly, which would let them bypass agreeing to the Acceptable Use Policy, for example, shifting liability back to the organization for that users behavior.

  • Healthy plants need to be ignored just the right amount in order to thrive. Over watering is harder to recover from than under watering, for what that’s worth. The leaves still look good, albeit a little light on nitrogen, so a full recovery is totally possible. My current grow experienced complete root loss at about the same age due to an equipment oversight, and you would never be able to tell with how lush and green it is now.

    You got this!

  • It would be helpful to get a picture of the roots, but a total WAG is you might be fawning over them too much and perhaps they are getting over watered. Just a guess though…

    Roots should be white and bright.

    Hard to give other input without pictures, but seedlings/early growth should be fine in normal soil, you really shouldn’t need to supplement so early unless there is some other mitigating factor.

  • That’s the thing about a war time economy, you produce one tank, and BOOM you’ve added $3.5MM to your GDP. A single SU-35? About 16MM added to GDP.

    You can’t eat tanks and jets though, the labor and resources used to maintain a war footing are vast, and must be poached from other areas of the economy. The longer you maintain this posture, the more dramatic the contraction.

    Gazprom posted a loss for the first time in decades. They sell one of the most profitable substances ever discovered by man and they still couldn’t turn a profit… despite how little the sanctions are impacting them, no less!

  • A lot of negativity around Ubiquity in here, which is surprising to me, honestly. I had their USG for years and loved it, recently swapped it out for the Dream Machine and love it. Really don’t understand the complaints about linking it to the cloud. I just didn’t bother, everything works fine. Additionally, I managed to get a Debian container running on it and installed ntopng, it’s been awesome for getting realtime visibility into my network traffic.

    E. I should add I have 6 of their switches and 3 access points, one of which is at least 7 years old and still receiving updates.