I appreciate everyone’s love of torrents and also appreciate the technology. Whether or not we are driving a screw into the wall with a hammer, gosh darn it, it works. I don’t know or understand “what happens in the background” but I would challenge you to duel! Feel free to list a commonly available show/movie/book/pr0n/whatever and I will race you to find and download it! :)
Agreed. Automation is optional. You can easily get started with many popular Windows apps that are readily available (my advice is to always go open-source).
Setting up automation was a laborious task for me. I set it all up on TrueNAS - so it was a bit harder that just using Windows apps and file systems. But, well worth the time!
My indexer has been darn rock solid for all the things I have ever looked for. Do you have any insight as to any other indexer that might benefit me? Got an invite to give out?