If you look at the modlog I thought it was visible there.
Some movies I saw so young I always knew them, like Star Wars ANH (I was a month old when it first released), but the first movie I remember watching was Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke.
My old boss would type google.com into the chrome search box (not the address bar) then click the link for Google, and search for Gmail.com.
My wife works full time remote and had to have IT take over her computer and she watched him type google into the search bar.
If you know how to use it. If you do not know got to use it a kit that you just stick in the knife is going to be way better.
Possible! I have also used it when I disabled my network and it was quicker to run the repair tool than it was too try and remember what exactly i had done to disable it.
This was nearly 20 years ago, i really do not recall what the issue was, order of if I ever fixed it. I may have replaced the card or something.
Yes it has.
I used to have a sound issue and the repair wizard would always fix it. It would happen again, I think after the next reboot.
The only way to survive a bad guy with germs is a good guy with a gun.
We have always celebrated the winter solstice and Santa Claus with our kids and skipped the lie of Christmas all together.
I used to work for a family from India, I introduced them to outsourced, they absolutely loved it. We were all upset it was canceled too.
I guess I should have asked him why he was called Fang.
Was someone looking for Kevin?
For someone who has never used Linux it can be very daunting, especially if they have never installed an os.
Normally I do not disturb anything (as much as possible when walking 3 70lbs dogs) during my morning walks. But I could not stop thinking about this mushroom, so I went back to get more pictures and ended up harvesting it.
ETA: Was just looking at the above image again, and it appears there is a baby scorpion in the center of the mushroom.
I think Vince was rather surprised he did not have to do time also.
Vince Neil killing Razzle. Then the band casually acting like Mick never existed.
Somehow i totally missed this show. Going to check it out.
The migration is still in process. DB had to be restored a second time, and the admin says there is still stuff that needs doing.