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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve seen this image a number of times, and it always reinforces just how dangerous electricity can be. It’s like those signs that warn “Not only will this kill you, it will hurt the whole time!”

    I do a lot of DIY, but I do not mess with electricity. The idea of Alternating current is something I cannot grok, and so I choose not to try.

  • Because the bank was insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the FDIC “absorbed the $47.1 million loss” after "Hanes’ fraudulent actions caused HTSB to fail and the bank investors to lose $9 million.

    his sentence of more than 24 years is 29 months longer than prosecutors had requested, NBC News reported.

    Here, the only reason he’s seeing jail time. Not because he stole, but he stole from the rich. Tanking a bank and losing poor peoples money won’t get you anything. But lose rich peoples money, and you’re going down. There are two justice systems in america, and you don’t have access to the one that works.

  • A summary of the story, scene breakdown and scripts should be distributed to all cast members in advance.

    performers should be able to request a closed set where access is kept to a minimum.

    A competent intimacy coordinator should be engaged.

    These are not big asks.

    In one recording for a major game she first learned it was explicit only when she turned up for work.

    “This was actually a full-on sex scene,” she said.

    "I had to [vocally] match the scene and through the glass in the booth was the entire team, all male, watching me.

    “It was excruciating… at that stage I had been in the games industry a while, and I had never felt so shaken”.

    Not unreasonable to say that this situation should not be repeated.

  • I just became increasingly attracted to raspy voiced women, honestly.

    IMO One of the best Science fiction shows of the last few decades. Each season just got better and better. The quality of writing, the well rounded characters, the budget, the acting… It all went so well. Great shows like this require catching lightning in a bottle, and dang they must’ve had a helluva bottle cuz it’s chock full a’lightning

  • Just going to point out that alcohol is literally a poison people drink to make them feel good. In much the same way that listening to someone who is projected as an authority figure, telling you that everything that’s wrong in your life is someone else’s fault makes your grandpa feel good.

    He doesn’t have to feel bad for supporting bad politicians/policies, because they would have worked if not for those damn immigrants.

    He doesn’t have to feel bad about voting to deny people abortions because they’re all just drugged up sluts who should be punished with children.

    He doesn’t have to feel bad about destroying the environment because science is wrong sometimes(I can’t really condense the rhetoric on denying climate change because it literally makes no sense?).

    The reason they watch this stuff is to feel better about themselves. And just like an alcoholic, indulging in performative blame-shifting politics can make you feel good in the short-term, while negatively impacting your life in a million different ways, ultimately resulting in you losing your friends, loved ones, career, and community.

    -Adding this after posting

    Actually, I was nearly a victim of the same thing, myself. I was in college, and I was lonely. I started listening to Dennis Miller on the radio as I drove to work and school. I liked him, because he was funny, and although he was right-wing and would talk to right-wing guests, he always seemed very tongue-in cheek about it. But As I listened to him, and the programs that sandwiched his, I noticed that I was getting angry. Like, every time I would drive and listen to these programs, I would just sit there, fuming.

    Angrily staring out the window, trying to identify the drugged out loser homeless, the rape-crazed migrants, and the godless whore women using abortion as birth control. I’d drive and just… hate… like it was an activity to take part in. Luckily though, I realized it. I was sitting in particularly bad traffic, listening to the radio, and I was just so damned angry.

    I was literally glaring at everyone and everything. and it kind of hit me, the question, “why am I so angry? what am I getting out of this?” and I turned it off. It was at this point, that I realized what I listened to had a profound impact on my emotions, and that if I was going to let something I listened to have control over me like that, then I’d at least like it to bring out an emotion I desired. So I started listening to the classical music station. It brought calm, it brought relaxation, it brought pleasure. And I never went back.

  • I had the same experience. Driving three hours in an Ohio summer in the 90’s meant consistently using the wipers and fluid to get bugs off the windshield. Then in 2013, driving across country, I had to clean my windshield of bugs, a single time. Now? haven’t needed to clean the windshield in years.

    I ask my conservative father about these things, he just ignores it. Literally, if it doesn’t fit within his small, hate-filled world-view, then it might as well not exist. If I insist upon a response, he just starts hating me.

    It feels as though I’m losing my parents in much the same way dementia would take them. Except it’s not some medical condition, it’s smug assholes in suits profiteering off peddling hate.