That’s incredibly reductive and unfair. It’s one of the dead dogs clone giving economic advice. And this particular dead dog clone’s economic advice comes highly recommended from the ghost that translates for my bird stuck in a coma.
The 2nd and third time tho?
What don’t you like about ZorinOS?
I recently started my 1st replay since I was a kid. Loving it on the steam deck, battery lasts forever with the old gem!
Thank you! I’ll look into changing the boot device
What, planes get pimples too. Nothing to see here. They are still beautiful
You risk Kidney stones with that Sodium. I don’t know what toilet horrors you and your butthole face that have driven you to this point, but heed my warning, kidney stones really fucking hurt.
I know he is a cunt and not the good kind, but did he really eat an onion? Why?
Damn he is really baked. Damn junkie
Gender identity != gender expression. Haven’t watched the video but maybe she going for more of a butch look? Some trans women go for more of a butch look cuz that’s what feels right for them (source me).
I’ve noticed a similar decrease in quality. I have no evidence but I’m guessing they threw gen ai in gboard. Do yourself and the planet a favor, try using a non gen ai keyboard. I’m using futoboard and it’s pretty decent
Clime change deniers: this is fine
What do you do when a new update comes out and breaks all your mods? I think thats the biggest thing keeping me from jumping back into stellaris. I’ve been playing off and on for years. 3+ times I’ve decided to boot up stellaris, find my mod list super outdated. Spent 30 to 90 minutes fixing stuff. Then like a week later a new update comes out and a bunch of mods break. I stop playing cuz I need to wait for the mods to be updated. Love the game but the constant mods breaking makes playing a game a chore
If this photo is not edited? So you were saying it was edited? What the fuck dude, find a real example of Twitter fact checking being fucked. Don’t make shit up. What are you 7 years? Or a paid troll?
But like nah. There was some evidence Saudi Arabia backed 9/11. No evidence Israel backed 9/11 that I’m aware of.
I know this shitpost and Israel are genociding and doing fucked shit right now. But call them out on the shit they did. Don’t make up shit they didn’t do.
Lol I feel so called out
Thank you JohnnyBravo! You a super cool guy! Just added this as a search engine in Firefox