• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Really sorry to read this. Thank you and kudos for being able to communicate like you did.

    I hope you manage to take your time and take care of yourself. From my burnout experience, I can say it’s likely we usually underestimate (by a lot) the amount of time and distance we need before coming back.

    Please don’t feel you have to come back next week because you said so, and don’t feel like you owe us anything in terms of communication / visibility - it matters so much less important than giving yourself the healing space and time you need.

    I also hope the admin team finds ways to protect themselves.

  • More of a personal/situates POV, my previous comment was a bit rashly worded.

    From where I stand, it’s yet again another useless trend generating e-waste.

    Like “oh look with 5g you’ll be able to load netflix and pornhub in 10k very ultra mega high hd on your tiny phone screens, you really need it and you need to ditch uour old phone before its end of life and to buy a 5g one”.

    They even tried to sell it as philantropic " thanks to 5g, poor people in poor countries [insert picture with black people here] will have access to good doctors from good places for surgeries [insert white old dude in a white coat picture here]".

    And it opens a whole new field of connected items which sounds really nice in terms of corporate/state spying.

  • I like the idea of wasting telemarketing company resources, but we have to remember the people calling us are actual human being forced into shitty jobs where they suffer abusive management thanks to capitalism. So “torturing telemarketers” sounds bad to me, as does being rude to them or leaving them to talk into silence.

    I usually pick up the phone, announce that I will hang up in 20 seconds, wish them a good day and then block the number.

    I used to get 1-2 call per day, now it’s more around 1 every 2 or 3 weeks.

  • Hey OP. Kudos on acknowledging your feelings and expressing them ;)

    TL;DR: your reaction makes a lot of sense, don’t stay alone with this, lots of empathy

    Where I speak from : I’m a white and socially cisgendered male, 35 yo, living in France. I had the chance to go to university and to have several educations.

    I have been a climate change and biodiversity collapse educator and activist for 3 years, and I’m currently struggling with crippling adhd, depression and anxiety after a rough burn out.

    I try to base my opinion on the IPCC reports which I regard as the best science consensus provider on climate-related matters (more on the IPCC at the end of the post).

    In my opinion, being terrified by climate change is a very appropriate emotionnal response.

    What scientists say about the amount of suffering climate change already inflicts to hundreds of thousand is hard to fathom, and imagination fails to grasp how much worse it’s going to get in the coming decades.

    To my understanding, humanity as a species is not under threat, and we will not all die in 50 years. But a huge amount of people already suffer and die from climate change and it’s going to get much much worse. As usual, the less privileged you are (and the less you contribute to climate change), the worse you have it.

    CO2 emissions keep going up when scientist agree that they should be cut in half by 2030 and divided by 3 or 4 by 2050.

    The IPBES (same as IPCC but for biodiversity) current analysis reinforces the “we’re in deep shit and we’re diving faster and faster” feeling.

    And while individual action is absolutely necessary, it is by large insufficient without structural collective change.

    I also feel terrorized. And so angry. And more sad than I’ll ever by able to express. And so fucking frustrated.

    I found that sense of community is what keeps me going. I met some great people in environmental ngos, and getting together to do something about it is a great feeling. Having a drink together and ranting about how hard it is to witness our collective failure makes is really not as bad as doing it bu myself. And crying among friends feels a lot better than crying alone, for me.

    So I wish for you to find people around you who understand the world in the same way you do, who care as much as you do. I wish for you to find safe spaces in which you can stop pretending it’s ok, in which you don’t need to explain yourself, to have a debate about whether or not climate change is a big deal, in which you can let your emotions flow. I wish for you to find meaning, belonging and even happiness in action.

    Take good care of yourself, the wolrd needs you in good shape !

    Btw, compiling and summarizing together papers about the mechanism and impact of climate change is exactly the job of the IPCC. They take in account thousands of papers from all the fields related to climate change, write a draft an publish it, wait for questions/criticism/corrections to be sent by all the scientists who want to contribute (for several months) and then they correct their draft and publish the final version. I recommand reading at least the key points of the “Summary for policymakers” of the 6th assessment report..

  • Thanks for this.

    I’m still refining my mental model of “federation” - it’s so different from my usual centralized reference frame that even if I understand the vulgarization/explanation when I read them, the images and reflexes my mind has about social media are changing slowly.

    Privacy kind of matters to me, so I’m grateful for content that helps me understanding better how it works and doesn’t work in a federated setting.

    I also think that, as pointed in comments, educating ourselves (the users) and reminding ourselves that privacy is also our job and responsibility is something important.

    Anyway, not brining anything new to the discussion, this is mostly an appreciation comment.

  • Solasta - Crown of the Magister cRPG trying to replicate the feel of tabletop RPG as well as possible IMO they did it really well ! Not everything is perfect of course, and it’s more combat-centered than my tabletop experience, but I’m really enjoying this first playthrough (playing in coop with a friend).

    Divinity - Original Sin 2 RPG with a turn-based combat system, a somewhat open world and interesting storylines I stopped playing on normal and started again on tactician, I was getting bored by the fights becoming too easy during act 2.

  • It boils down to preferences imho.

    I like text-based stuff in general, so having a launcher that displays my favorites app as text and launches any app as soon as I type the beginning of its name is a real plus for me.

    Open-source and de-gafamisation also matter to me, so I want to make sure knowing my launcher doesn’t track me - I usually choose one that’s available onF-Droid for this reason.

    OLauncher has these features and has a smaller footprint than default launchers, sl I swapped.

    But afaik there’s nothing “wrong” with the AOSP launcher.

  • /e/os on a Fairphone 3 fir a few months now. It’s my first custom ROM, and it’s been a breeze so far :)

    Some quirks that I don’t actually mind : when the phone is turned off and charging, the animation on screen doesn’t update the current battery level (but idc, usually the phone charges at night), the phone calls volume is really loud (but I usually plug my headset in for calls) and the integrated vpn is sometimes slow enough to cause websites/apps to timeout (I can live with that).

    I still have my old android phone mainly for my bank application.