SunChips? Woow. I had a bag a few days ago.
Actions are louder than words.
There are various ways of oppression occurring everywhere and all around the world. Like embargos, e-waste, textile waste etc. so yes to what you mentioned. But this is an amazing share. A bit blurry to read.
Could there be one in the future how x country has now stopped oppressing them?
Day after day, US gov and ‘Is-not-real’ digging their own graves.
They stole the money to blackmail, buy voters and politicians.
Why can’t this hold up in ICC/ICJ?
Great now let’s marginalize another community, next will be blind or deaf? And tie it to another nations Americans aren’t supposed to support.
At one point they were like we are half assing this, then they realized they should 100% ass it and yell ‘your anti-semitic’ to anyone,
Hope it works.
Like violators will be shot and survivors will be shot again?
I’ll try to ween off of Costco now. Thank you internet exposing all the things we are oblivious to.
Does anyone have the Costco proof. They must have been doing this on a Costco level, getting other prisoners from different regions.
You can speak up if you believe in monotheism or atheist. Then you’re not considered an anti-semite.
This article starts from Oct 2023, but these atrocities really began in 1948. Let’s use facts with the actual time line.
Out of curiosity why did YOU use the word terrorist? Have you ever heard of the movie Avatar, Star Wars, Space Balls? It’s simply too easy to label someone a threat/terrorist, but come on entire countries, like are you agreeing that each creature/living breathing mammal as a terrorist?
Reminds me of stars wars scene with the Jedi archives been manipulated…