• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I’m so fucking sick of this shit.

    You can compare this to Russia or Nazis or whoever the fuck you want. They don’t give a good God damn about it. By they I mean Israel, the US and every fucking Western country that enabled these barbaric fucking murderers to do these massacres.

    How much mistreatment and how much torque and how many dead Arabs does it fucking take before this becomes a fucking Holocaust?

    Instead of commenting on some fringe social media that the masses or your government representatives won’t ever read, call your government representatives and let them know that it’s about fucking time to start imposing sanctions against Israel and to hold their leaders accountable for severe war crimes and crimes against humanity and genocide. Stop sending weapons, ammo and armored vehicles. Put out fucking arrest warrants and arrest anybody that was involved from the smallest foot soldier to the very president of Israel as soon as they set foot in their country.

    Demand this shit or threaten with a god damn nationwide riot.

  • I’ve been looking into Timeshift, the gui tool to set up scheduled snapshots. I wonder if it’s possible to make it take snapshots and save them to an external drive?


    So reading more into BTRFS, making snapshots on an external drive isn’t exactly what I need. However, snapshots are an amazing tool to have. Snapshots are light and fast and allow you to roll back changes almost like a version control system. I can see a lot of advantages of using this filesystem especially if you’re using a more bleeding edge distro that’s prone to breakage. You can easily rollback if something breaks or if you mess up playing with settings or system files.

    I know I’ll be using this on my upcoming install on my home desktop PC. Especially with the Timeshift app which makes it all the easier.

  • Absolutely.

    • It’s desktop environment is very light on resource usage and very easy to use. It’s great for new Linux users.
    • It’s package repository includes Ubuntu’s which is rich with great up to date and stable and secure packages. Plus Mint adds it’s own to allow the user to avoid using Snap packages. (You can ask if you’re not sure what that is. I don’t know your level of experience in Linux.)
    • Because it’s based on Ubuntu you also have the little added features that allow you to install 3rd party audio/video codecs to play proprietary formats and to install and manage proprietary graphics drivers as well. (Nvidia for example).
    • There’s great hardware support for PC hardware and gaming devices.
    • There’s a huge community and lots of documentation for Ubuntu and Mint.

    It’s a great no hassle OS for both gaming and productivity.

  • You know what? I’m taking back what I said. Debian might just be what I’m looking for after all.

    Uses .deb packages with APT, which I am very comfortable with. And thanks to Ubuntu using the same package system, I can easily add any PPMs or other repos that Ubuntu uses.

    Its stable releases are the most stable out there and with a 2 year release cycle on average, that’s pretty similar to Ubuntu’s and is totally acceptable.

    People complaining that the packages are older, that’s really not a problem for me. I’m patient. I can wait. Worst case I’ll use a flatpak for a desktop app or compile from source. I’ve done it before. It’s not that hard. And for my purposes, that doesn’t happen very often. Or there’s the option of using backports as well.

    Hardware support is solid. All the drivers I need are provided as .deb packages or through 3rd party repos provided by the manufacturer. (NVidia) And media codecs are available now so that’s not an issue either.

    Debian is the next best thing to Ubuntu IMO. A pretty solid choice I think.

  • I revisited it yesterday and this is definitely a distro I would recommend to my relatives and anyone non-technical. It’s solid. The desktop is clean and has a lot of nice configs without going overboard. Its closest competitor would be Ubuntu Budgie, but it includes snaps.

    Yeah definitely a great no-hassle distro. But, I really, really like my KDE and I don’t know if I’d be happy with Mint in the long run. Plus, like MATE, they’re playing catch-up with GTK based apps all the time as soon as a new GTK comes out. It’s a tough decision not gonna lie.