• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • MicroEmacs

    In testing, to settle a bet by a rabid cult-of-vi peer, I opened a given set of files in each editor, each a day apart because I couldn’t be arsed to clear caches. This guy, otherwise a prince, was railing about emacs, but otherwise suffered days of waiting.

    10/10 the memory usage by his precious vi was same-or-more than emacs.

    There’s so many shared libs pulled in by the shell that all the fuddy doomsaying about bloat is now just noise.

    I avoid vi because even in 1992 it was crusty and wrong-headed. 30 years on the hard-headed cult and the app haven’t changed.

    I don’t see how microEmacs can improve on what we have by default, and I worry that the more niche the product is the harder it will be to find answers online. But I’m willing to be swayed if anyone can pitch its virtues.

  • Just because you can perform a job from home, doesn’t mean it’s ideal for performance. With

    You’re refuting an assertion made by NO one.

    No one said all jobs can be done remotely. When the site consolidated equipment or media somewhere, and there’s no way to manipulate stuff remotely then - of course - it’s not a remote capable job.

    We’re ignoring that buses are just big drones and surgery has been performed by servos or volunteers at the direction of a specialist far away. But you make a point, as has been made before, that a lever which cannot yet be pulled by a remote action needs an agile meatbag to do so.

    The point that has been made - oh god, thousands of times - is that jobs that can be remote, should be. And that egotistical managers needing to feel better by staring at asses in chairs all day and knowing they were forced there through threat of food insecurity, that’s not really a justification.

    Amazon’s demanded its devs come back into the office for no value, despite the personality type of those devs, an objective assessment of the workpace they’re forced into - toxic - and the need to live within commute range to get there, limiting housing options for the workers and severely limiting the talent pool for companies. These are people who can, would, will and did the same work better and happier in an environment of their choosing - be it central office or personal office. Now they have no choice but to bend to the will of their boomer-esque managers who forgot it’s not the 1900s anymore.

    For remote-capable jobs, the only reason workers need to take risks and spend more money to physically commute is purely and simply egos of bad managers.

    That’s it. The dead weight they need to shed was in the office the whole time.

  • I also understand IT security is dramatically complicated by user’s working on their private network connection or even private client devices.

    As otherwise mentioned, it’s actually straightforward.

    I work in the daytime on some pretty well-secured stuff; not “secret squirrel” but “people data” stuff. There’s a LOT of forms to sign, and they want to ensure you’re not working on a shared patio but in a real, dedicated office space that is ergonomically optimal and private, with a few other rules, but the effort that started as a panic on COVID day 1 proved workable and they’re going with it. They sold the offices in the dank ugly building. And this org is actually insanely cautious and works with cautious entities, and even they could work it.

    At night I work for a different company on different shipped gear… and a KVM switch to go from one set to the other. They’re all segregated and secure, and the night job I’ve had for 22 years with only two invites to fly down to the office for a visit in that time. Barbecues, actually.

    I have a lovely view of the river.

    It works. You have to be sensible and secure, and then you’re golden.