This seems to be going as planned. But why?
This seems to be going as planned. But why?
The 7 m workout app has been my friend on rainy days. Feels good to get some movement in, and it’s 7 min. I feel like I should do it, because it’s something.
Just like cable tv!
So you can’t edit on mobile… take 2
Aspix had the winning comment on this article.
They’re trying to distract from the fact that an admin account (/u/ModCodeofConduct) screwed up royally by forcibly changing subreddits that had gone NSFW as a protest back to SFW without their knowledge, exposing advertisers and children to any adult content that had been posted there in the interim. This move also opens the site up to significant legal liability – up until now, admins just enforce sitewide rules and leave specific moderation decisions to subreddit mods. By purging mods for their actions (which were fully justified under the content policy) and making direct editorial decisions about what subreddits can and can’t be about, they’re taking responsibility for what subreddits allow and potentially losing their Section 230 liability shield. The administrators are in panic mode and making rash decisions to quash the protest that could potentially destroy the company, even apart from the damage they’re already doing to community morale.
Aspix had the winning comment on this article
I think you’re right, I feel like I’m looking for a little good-will among our kind (bleak and probably misguided at best). Sellers and consumers need to coexist in some manner, but what that relationship should be is yet to be defined. For now, we’re in a place that needs change for sure.
Can y’all point me in the right direction on why grammarly is shady? Maybe that premium account was a bad idea, but I’ve loved it for the last few years to help me be a better writer.
Even if there was a balance and the ads were non-intrusive? I mean, servers and bandwidth cost money. I’m in the same boat as you where I have run ad blockers, adblocker blockers, no script, privacy enhancers, and anti-fingerprinting since forever ago.
I’d rather view a few reasonable ads than have a site try to mine and sell my data. If there was a balance, this is where I’d say it was reasonable. Since not reality, I’m with you, nuke them all, and just take the content.
A really good point was made in another thread. Reddit should stay open, and those that want to flock to it can and should. Consider it a natural filter. If the technological bar is too high to get to communities like lemmy and kbin, that might be a good thing. Segmentation of like-minded individuals allows for cohesiveness in the community. Yeah, it could have worked on reddit, but times change. Most people oddly don’t vote with their wallet, but those of us who do, are now here.
It seems like we’ve all lost the plot. We’d probably be willing to view ads if the experience wasn’t literally jarring. Try browsing for a day on a plain-no-extension browser. If you use other web enhancement tools kill those too. Straight-up internet is cancer, especially on mobile.
It’s impossible to read a 250-word article without being interrupted 5-7 times. Two of those interruptions are likely a full page overlay with give me your email, and are you sure you don’t want to subscribe, just give me your credit card number.
Then there are auto-play videos on the side, some with audio on by default. I mean I came here to read something, so of course we have things flashing and moving and making noise, it’s the most conducive environment for thought, right?
Ad blockers and script blocking are essentially a hazmat suit that allows us to withstand a hostile environment. Remember when we said myspace pages with audio and [marching-ants] borders was a bad UX? At least we didn’t have overlays back then.
Go back to basics and consider what makes a good vs bad internet experience. The reality sounds like someone with a minor case of severe brain damage. I think we’ve just become unashamed of greed as a society. It’s clearly all just about money.
Those annoying customers/users generate content and we have to put up with them so we can monetize it. *Sadly, It’s unclear if I’m talking about youtube, reddit, or nearly any other site.
Le sigh.
I wish he wasn’t right, but he probably is.
The Imgur, tictok, Twitter, Instagram merging machine with bots, spam, ads, and privacy invasion is ready to go, sir!
I’ve not found much of a solution for these beasts. They’ll carry you away if not careful. Since it’s usually hot, I’ve had the best success with small fans. Keep the air moving and it’s harder for them to stick around.
This has been absolutely wild. Sadly, it’s not that surprising and the corporate speak is strong. While Reddit likely won’t change, the “type” of users that will leave over this is the kind of users that made Reddit the community it is today. These are all likely active members from Fark, Slashdot, Digg, and others.
Good news though, we’ve got a group of people that are experienced in making fantastic communities. I’ll bet we’ll do it again. We’ll see how this goes with the Fedditverse/Threadverse via Lemmy/kbin. I’m sure we’ll figure this community/magazine thing out soon enough.
Sometimes all we can control is how we react to the situation.
Correction: Twitter is removing the block feature so that tweets can reach the full audience…
I wonder how much we could get selling old accounts with karma like that? I mean it’s highly unethical, but they like ads and spam… (I’m kidding, they only like the ads and spam THEY push)
pfft! Real devs use wingdings!
There are at least dozens of us that sincerely appreciate you. I hope you see an increase in donations as I know it’s a primary way many of us can contribute to the community.
Let me try this again: THANK YOU!!! so very much for creating a community with kindness at the core!
Boiled, grilled, sliced, or julienned?
Boars Head in Florida @ publix has a 3 pepper jack that’s actually got some kick to it. It’s the most “normal” hot cheese we’ve been able to find.
If you love 'it’s so hot it’ll melt through a metal bumper hot" look into capsaicin extract. I get it from an online place that has everything from AtoZ, for about $20. it’s a fantastic way to add heat without making things bitter. E.g. Franks wing sauce tastes good, but isn’t really hot. 2-3 drops in a batch used to toss 15-20 wings will make your lips tingle, open your sinuses, and induce some sweating. 5-6 drops and I have to nope out.
I love this stuff as I can get spicy without destroying flavor!
WARNING: Don’t consume this directly, cut it with something and make sure those 1-2 drops are well mixed.