I miss being able to use bitmapped fonts back in the Gnome 1.x days.
I miss being able to use bitmapped fonts back in the Gnome 1.x days.
Hot take: I’m fine with Bethesda taking their time to release a game if that means it’ll be higher quality. There are thousands of games released a week. Hi play something else in the meantime.
To co-sign on the stupidity of embedded washing machine firmware, if we lose power, the next time you start the washing machine you’re presented with an error message saying the power has failed. Like, no duh. You have to acknowledge the error message before you can start a new load.
That’s the real problem with historians. They always talk about the past and not the future.
America: deep fried Oreos.
Decades late, but I’ll take it. Do Monsanto next.
I’m a big sci-fi nerd, and the primary quest was so, so good in my opinion. I tried out the base building feature and it really felt worthless, but the combat and story are so really fun.
I like starfield. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I think the amount of shit it gets is unwarranted.
Ed Zitron is amazing. That dude just says it like it is.
Shake hands with beef ;-)
Les Claypool has entered the chat.
Real estate agent. Car sales people.
I used to live in a brick rowhouse, and the arched transom started to crack. I thought I’d diy repoint it myself, only to find out that a previous contractor had “fixed” it by jamming cardboard in the cracks and filled it in with caulk. Totally legit.
The theme song from Pictionary on the NES.
Thanks! I use Excalidraw occasionally, but only in light mode. Derp.
OT: What program are these diagrams made with? I’ve seen them floating around recently and really like the looks of them.
Hahaha, I say do it.