bandcamp sold out
look forward to its demise
A sign of the times
bandcamp sold out
look forward to its demise is unstoppable. unshackle yourself from the g**gle gulag
yes LLaMA got leaked and has opened up a tool for the people. I see the project openLLaMA making headway in putting out a chatbot ‘for the people’ as opposed to the centralised control. don’t confuse it with LLaMA 2, a confab between mta and mcrosoft which is ‘open source’ but you have to let them have all of your data. seems to be an effort at damage control and to try and still harvest some of the data that people are shovelling into machine learning programs these days. I personally don’t think they’re great at all, far from intelligent and I think they’re going to be bad for humanity down the line. but pandora’s box is open so we might as well democratise by at least breaking the corporate chokehold on A"I".
There is now a perk for donating, a custom emoji. Just wondering regarding custom emojis. have the lemmy team patched the vulnerability?