• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • I tried navidrome but the issue I ran into is that it would not play individual songs or sort through them, it would just play my albums in alphabetical order.

    And I don’t know as far as jelly fin goes, I like it as a video platform but for music I couldn’t get it to just randomly display the songs and let me shuffle through them.

    I’m looking for a music server that can see all of my songs and music and shuffle them and play them. Does anything like that exist?

  • I don’t truly in my heart of hearts believe that selling your soul to the devil is possible. The logical Christianity in me says that anyone who would offer to sell their souls is already likely going to hell and so the devil has no need to purchase, and that is further tempered by the idea that All souls are the property of God and you can’t sell something you don’t own.

    That being said, if I had to pick one person on this planet who I had to testify before a grand jury that I believed they had sold their souls to the devil I would pick Donald J Trump.

    The man has no skills. He didn’t even write his book The art of the deal. He was born into wealth but many people are born into wealth and fall into poverty and yet somehow despite an entire lifetime of financial ineptitude he is still wealthy.

    He has done so much shady shit that any person who did not have the protection of a dark force would be in prison right now for and he is currently under indictment for several Grand felonies and he still running for president and still has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

    He has 35% of American voters believing in him. Nearly 100 million people willing to throw their once every 4 years chance for deciding the fate of America to him.

    His wife is a model and even though he’s cheated on her credibly with a pornstar, Stormy Daniels, and had a lawyer pay her off with election funds, she has not divorced him.

    If Donald J Trump is not the servant of Satan, signed and bound in an eternal contract, then the fact that he exists is a scathing indictment of the flaws of modern capitalism and why the whole system should be burnt to the ground.

  • I’m going to keep saying this until it sticks. The most profitable and valuable thing that human beings have ever discovered or created is information disparity.

    Everyone basically knows the phrase that knowledge is power, but very few people know how to capitalize on that power.

    The way that you capitalize on the power of knowledge is through information disparity.

    Say for instance, you are at a flea market. You see a very good quality copy of action comics number one with Superman on the cover. You ask the seller how much they want for it and they say oh those are my sons old comics, I’ll sell you the whole box for $5.

    Anyone who knows anything about valuable stuff knows that action comics number one is worth it the minimum a million dollars in decent condition.

    Now you know that for $5 you can get a million dollars. That is how knowledge is power. That is how information disparity works.

    Find ways that you can use information disparity in your favor (without bilking kindly old ladies out of million dollar antiques preferably) and you too will find yourself far more successful than your actual skills and abilities would otherwise qualify you for.

  • Kubuntu.

    The prevailing wisdom used to be that if somebody is tired of Windows and wants to switch you would send them to Ubuntu. Having used Ubuntu and Debian and Mint and Pop! OS and CentOS and Red Hat and Fedora and Kubuntu, Kubuntu with the new KDE plasma desktop seems to be the most Windows like while still retaining the Linux flavor OS that I have used so far.

    Ubuntu by comparison is slow and convoluted and those are huge turn offs for neophyte Linux users who want to get away from Windows.

  • Exactly. Plus the common use of mastering at the time was to optimize the recorded audio for printing on a vinyl disc, and if the grooves were too deep or the transitions too sharp it could cause the needle to skip out of the track.

    If your average listener is going to be listening on a mono device then a smart thing to do would be to pan one thing consistently to one side and the other to the other as the mono needle isn’t going to care where it’s getting its vibrations from. That would give you more resolution and more depth for the cut, as long as the final disc was only played in mono.

    I’m not saying that’s the case for every recording but I’m pretty sure it has happened quite a few times back then while they were still figuring everything out.