It’s more like “idiot billionaire builds bigger shiny gadget for a non specific purpose”
Like what’s the problem being solved here?
It’s more like “idiot billionaire builds bigger shiny gadget for a non specific purpose”
Like what’s the problem being solved here?
Homonyms are the downfall of LLM for sure
Alright thanks I’ll work on it
I wonder what it would take to run a hostile lemmy instance, just designed to drag people you dislike via putting words in their mouth.
Nah it was everyone’s business before that. People “drink responsibly”. They can and do imbibe other drugs responsibly.
You sound really judgey about forget-me-nows
Oh wow surprisebuttsex696969
I like that double entendre good job
When we said give the people what they want, we got this, and we do.
you don’t talk about salary within earshot of the boss, you don’t badmouth company decisions within earshot of the boss
Or, do these things all the time if you can base your working hours around making your company more money.
Yeah same re: purchasing convenience vs pirating.
Pirating is a juicy prospect once again.
But your premise is bad
This pigeon was referenced in “The gentleman”
I wouldn’t rely on a technology solution entirely. I would pay multiple lawyers to send a specific file to different recipients in the case of my death. The file would contain the list of release mules and recipients.
If I had something worth my life.
You might have shot somebody’s last wishes, you Ponce
🙄 this is interesting? Is there no new application or topology here?
If it’s just “more power vroom” this is only valuable for entertainment.