Shin Ramyun + Easy Mac. (make with less water)
Shin Ramyun + Easy Mac. (make with less water)
Could it be a route cache thing? may be worth trying artisan route:clear
followed by artisan route:cache
(Score: 5, Insightful)
I watched a Perun slideshow ages ago which at least touched on production / export of the F-35 and how economies of scale bring down per unit price significantly over time.
Confusing by-line for link goes to an older video by Louis, actual yt link for video is
That’s a continuation of TA Spring? Neat, played that a looong time ago.
Huh, dickhead confirmed
Haven’t done this type of optimizing in a long time, I had a quick look at the network graph for your front page (F12 dev tools in desktop browser), my understanding is it looks like you are getting blocked from loading additional resources (fonts + background) until your style sheets are fully read --pink line is document loaded i believe.
It may be worthwhile to experiment with adding some preload links to the html template? or output? like below and assessing if it makes things faster for you.
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="" fetchpriority="high">
<link rel="preload" as="font" href="">
<link rel="preload" as="font" href="">
(Score:4, Funny)
Atom did bring about tree-sitter at least.
We got to a certain point with Atom. It was 2017 when we’d shipped Teletype and it felt like, okay, it’s no longer our own ignorance holding us back, it really is like the platform holding us back at this point.
the ironic thing is that we created Electron to create Atom, but I can’t imagine a worse application for Electron than a code editor, I don’t know.
An automation API would also be nice please… (i hope it doesn’t require an additional $4000/y licence)
Worst game of the year so far.
I’ll be over here playing my dwarf games.
It is basically in an electron shell. I’m pretty sure all the non ‘classic’ apps are this way now. I’m currently trying out Thunderbird to see if I like it.