I was purposely terse with my religious response, I was not attacking anyone or their use of the term. I’m simply stating that I’m not an atheist.
Well, the science is what’s at issue. Climate science isn’t really a hard science. They have some data and it looks like some big increases. But I think there may be far too many variables for us to be certain about the conclusions. That doesn’t mean I think we should do nothing. I do what I can but I think the place to be looking is at the companies. It really doesn’t matter what a few countries in western europe (where I live) do: USA, China and India will produce far more than we could ever undo by being carbon neutral or even negative. And we can’t force those countries to change via threats or complaining. The way to get them to change is change how business works. And since no one is, and all we actually do are mostly useless virtue signalling, I hope the climate scientists are wrong because otherwise we’re screwed.
Aren’t you assuming the up votes are organic? I personally assume 90% of everything online is just computers and call centres talking to each other.