Authoritative knee jerk with a bit of ignorance thrown in.
Authoritative knee jerk with a bit of ignorance thrown in.
Not sure why heavily leaning to one side or another is so popular nowadays.
Anyway, I don’t know how individual companies do what. I don’t work for them. I don’t have insider knowledge. I do know how companies are typically structured and the traps nearly every company experiences as they grow, both in revenue and often consequently in manpower.
I’m not going to dive into it. This is a pretty easy topic to find on many search engines and Youtube where they’ll probably go more in-depth than I can with a limited attention span and two thumbs.
The high base level costs aren’t due purely to development, I’d wager. How many admin staff, redundant management, petty meetings, and exorbitant costs go to overhead that could be solved with a 20 minute meeting and less triple expressos for the executive team?
Moreover, chances are we could find several issues with the flow of work around the development of the game itself. Poorly optimized communication, for the win.
I agree. Though have a random small chance of the gun disappearing when you go to use it, with dialogue.
I’ve had it for AGES. I agree that ads have been a bit much and many websites almost unusable without Origin. YT Premium though has been fairly solid with a couple hiccups.
Admittedly, I use YouTube as my primary source of entertainment. So the price is easily justified vs other services.
Well, at least we know you’re not vegan.
100 people see dumb ad.
40 people click on dumb ad.
10 people play game from dumb ad.
5 people stick it out and continue playing.
1 of those 5 spends money.
Games that are p2w exist in a symbiotic relationship with people who are willing to spend copious amounts of money. The people who don’t spend money and still exist within these games help fill in the environment. ALL players of these games are the problem.
Mobile games are the most common example of this, though other games fall under similar banners. The truth is any free game with live service needs money to operate. Hell, even that fan-run DBZ MMO has costs associated with it that the community helps fund. This won’t go away, it’ll just disguise itself as something else.
I do believe, however, that for larger games the bloated cost of development needs to fuck right off. 100mil and 5 years or more? There is a logistical issue there that needs to be addressed. One of many, I’m afraid.
Speaking of Tay, my Youtube feed recently dropped me a RayWilliamJohnson video. What a rebrand, holy.
It was almost a culture shock.
That little clicker in the brain that goes off when you’ve had enough doesn’t really work for me. I have to feel physically full or I still feel hungry. Even worse, my dopamine levels are garbage and eating makes me feel good.
Not saying this doesn’t work. Only that I’m far from the only one where it is this simple.
Yo, if someone could lift my fatass up and tuck me in so that I wake up suddenly in bed one night, I’d be so happy. Soda case optional.
It was hard because the controls were abysmal, with some otherwise difficult sections to go alongside the controls. That said, the game itself had a lot of charm. I remember it with fondness.
I have ADHD.
someone opens my Youtube as a litmus test
“So we pray unto the holy beings that this child may not lose their way. For which many forsaken paths they may tred, nor what trends they may trod upon, that they alight on lightened road and partake only within golden rays.”
“Also, just, like…ignore that 3am Pokemon rabbit ahem hole I went down when overtired.”
tldr: Flaw can give a hacker access to your computer only if they have already bypassed most of the computer’s security.
This means continue not going to sketchy sites.
Continue not downloading that obviously malicious attachment.
Continue not being a dumbass.
Proceed as normal.
Because if a hacker got that deep your system is already fucked.
Joltzdude thought the movie was pretty bad, with few good moments. He’s one of the most wholesome people I’ve ever run across, and a massive Borderlands nerd. So while I normally try to make my own decisions on these things, I am willing to bet it was pretty bad.
Rethink this stuff before you put yourself up as a reactionary
immediately reacts
Where companies with monopolies are found to gain that title by ousting competitors and brutal buyouts and tactics literally every time, Valve exists. Literally. They just exist. Big difference between a monopoly and the best.
Other companies also exist. In fact there are several launchers and two other digital distributors, and several websites, where one can purchase games. There are some things Steam is shit on. The still feels old interface as a broad example. Competitors could push in, like Epic. Instead, they manage to create the next step up from a gold-tainted dung pile, shit on their own launcher or store stability and performance, and create an experience so bad that Steam is able, through the fuckups of their rivals, maintain a market majority.
Pride and projection, with a healthy cultural component. It usually takes a generation for values to catch up. Not much different than the asian dad stereotype, except with a primarily physical component.
Exactly why “we” is important. People are struggling and it’s difficult to consider the world when your own life is falling apart.
Unfortunately I don’t have a true solution to this beyond the need for a real leader to step up. Well…there is another solution, though I’d rather not speak of it for fear of ending up on a list. It’s also not one I support. Still, I feel strongly that we can find our way.
At the very least I’m not just going to roll over.
I was taught a lesson when I was younger that you cannot compare your trauma to that of another. I also learned that it isn’t rage which defines progress, it is determination. Apathy, a loss of hope, quells the spirit and stunts progress. Those not on the Right are especially individualistic. We cater to the spirit of independence, while also celebrating love and community, though always as individuals to individuals. It’s not “I” or “Myself” that makes the change. The shift happens when we step up together and change sets in when there is a united, achievable goal.
In near every recent movement the Left has been a part of with the exception of Bernie, there has been nothing that was clearly defined and clearly achievable. Just a bunch of angry people loosely pointing fingers. FeelTheBern DID work and imagine how things may have been different not if Bernie had been elected, but if we with our strength of spirit continued down a united path. Bernie’s ENTIRE message was never about getting him elected, it was always about us coming together and being active as one.
I’m sad that so many people seem to have forgotten that.
I feel it’s rather fair to give them a pass on this one. Games with a player base and longer than a passing fart of time in the market? Sure. This was a failed product. They issued refunds. This is a situation where pushing your luck just backs someone into a corner.
We can hope they’ll flip the assets and remodel into another title.