I promise it’s not you. It’s me, and the way you insist on including your hamster in our intimate times…
I promise it’s not you. It’s me, and the way you insist on including your hamster in our intimate times…
You’re great and all, but I think we should see other people… Sorry
You think I’m funny, creative, and cute!! Aww I love you too!
Is it loud or just enough in the background to be annoying? Like if someone is saying something to you, does the music ever drown them out? And sorry for all the questions on a spazzy cat post, just curious
Is it good music at least? And is it music that’s already been made or does your schizophrenia come up with original soundtracks for your life? This sounds really intriguing.
Hey me too! Put around three hours in so far and am absolutely loving it!