Cuddly Cactus

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I thought I was the only person that almost exclusively listened to the radio! I live in an area with a good variety of stations so that helps, I realize some people have very little options when they turn on the radio. I occasionally put on Pandora when I want to listen to a specific obscure genre or YouTube when I’m looking up a specific artist.

  • I read The Road and it just didn’t click with me, I finished it feeling like it was just “ok.” I think part of the problem was how much it had been hyped up by other readers and how famous it was and I went into it expecting to be changed when I came out, though I wasn’t. I’ll give McCarthy another try though, I have both No County for Old Men and Blood Meridian sitting on my bookshelf and I’ll get to them eventually.

  • It’s perfectly natural to be scared of change but it is fruitless because change is going to happen whether you want it to or not. Even if you stay here, things are going to change. Remember that and use it to help you get past your fear of change.

    You’re also focusing on the negatives, what about the positives? What if this internship turns out to be the best thing you’ve ever done? What if it does lead you to wanting to stay there which then leads you to an amazing life that you love and makes you happy? Even if you stay here, you and your partner might not stay together and how would you feel if you gave up this opportunity and you guys break up 6 months down the road and you’re full of regret for not taking the internship?

    If I were you I would 100% take the internship abroad, that’s an opportunity that the majority of people don’t get. Take it!

  • This is my first experience with fediverse, I had never even heard of it before. So far it’s going okay, there are some things I wish were different or easier, but maybe that’s just because it’s new and feels clunky because I haven’t figured it all out yet.

    In general though I am enjoying Lemmy so far, it feels like being on internet message boards back in the old days (20-25 years ago)!

  • In a way I’m a little sad but I’m also hopeful. I started on Reddit 13 years ago and it was a very different place than it is now. I liked it better then, and I think I’m sad and will miss it for what it was, not what it is. I’m hopeful for a fresh start here on Lemmy where it feels like I’m getting back to the actual conversation with other users, which is what I miss about the current Reddit. There’s very little conversation there anymore, so much of it is just pictures and jokes and bots.