I suspect the diffence here is what we pay for electricity. It is quite expensive in Europe. I pay around 0,35 euro per 1 kWh.
For me the savings on the electrical bill will be more than what I spent on the machine before the warranty is over.
A newer machine however is a lot more efficient when looking at your energy and water bill.
Switching from an older to a newer machine made quite a difference on my monthly bills.
That is reserved for the Canadians I think
Is adapting a standard instead of making your own something negative?
Does that mean 90s fashion is going to make a return soon? I am all for that to be honest.
Depends on what you start out with.
Joke’s on you. I am into that.
Based on the text in your image i assume that you live in the Netherlands. I would advise you to discuss this with your employer. As you are unable to plan a needed psychiatric appointment during working hours you have the right to take some short leave time for that.
Sources: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/arbeidsovereenkomst-en-cao/vraag-en-antwoord/wanneer-heb-ik-recht-op-bijzonder-of-buitengewoon-verlof#:~:text=Verlof en doktersbezoek,recht hebben op kort verzuimverlof.
https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/calamiteitenverlof/vraag-en-antwoord/duur-calamiteitenverlof#:~:text=U kunt calamiteitenverlof of kort,kort verzuimverlof in een jaar.