I’ll give you a nickel if you say it out loud.
I’ll give you a nickel if you say it out loud.
If the owner doesn’t enthusiastically want me there then I’m happy to slide in somewhere I’m welcome. I’ll never force my way in (unless they’re into that sort of thing).
I like to just slide in, get what I need, then slip on out. Sometimes I’ll even use the back door.
The day I realized that we don’t even know how to treat each other was a wild day for me. My friend group has been complimenting and building up each other for a while now. It’s amazing the change you’ll see just by having one dude say to another, “Hey, nice shirt my guy!” or something similar.
We opened for a national band tonight so a bunch of my friends were there. After having done this for a few years then reading this thread, I’m amazed to see just how much positive masculinity we had going on. There were compliments, talking up guys to others outside of just being a wingman (there was at least one case of being a wingman, too), lots of bro hugs, and a lot of genuinely happy guys.
It’s a hard thing to get going, but I’m glad we started doing it.
I’ve got a mouth like a sailor who stubbed his toe, mostly because I used to be a sailor who stubbed his toe a lot. Between my foul mouth and my either overuse or utter absence of fucking commas depending on how drunk I am I don’t think I’ll ever be mistaken for an LLM.
My boss didn’t need Recall to do that to me a decade ago. He called me out for going offline in our messenger app for an hour after lunch while I was helping another tech sort an emergency for a client from their machine.
I told him that’s fine, I’ll just let everyone know that I won’t be assisting and will show them that email every time anyone asks. He backed off, but not everyone is going to get that lucky to have a complete moron who is going to put dumb shit threats in writing without running it by anyone in legal, HR, or their own boss.
Anecdotally, I have a friend who rides pillion on my motorcycle from time to time who has those tactical cat ears attached to her motorcycle helmet.
I just replaced mine as they were abscessed or impacted and I didn’t notice a change, but that was over several years. I would have died in the middle ages.
If you can afford it I recommend getting the worst of them replaced with implants. If you can’t then get some partial dentures to replace whatever you’ve lost. It will help both your confidence and quality of life.
But they’re much nicer about it.
I turned down politeness all the way and watched it become Dallas traffic almost immediately.
Fluoride in water can help if you’re not taught proper care and feeding of teeth, but you are right. The fluoride in toothpaste is what should be doing the heavy lifting.
I feel you. I grew up on well water (no fluoride), have a genetic predisposition for terribly crooked teeth, and wasn’t taught basic oral hygiene until I was legally an adult.
I’ve had several extractions but every time it has been either an abscess or an impacted tooth, so just the relief from that pain was almost like a drug itself. About half my teeth are fake at this point and the ones that are left are in pretty good shape because they weren’t too far gone when I actually learned how to properly take care of them.
It’s not terrible now, but it’s still not where you’d want it to be. I installed Fedora KDE spin on a surface pro 7 early this year and didn’t lose as much battery as you. Palm rejection is not where it should be but is better than it was 5 years ago with a few tweaks.
I’m not a big tinkerer anymore so someone with time and energy could probably do a better job with it. I think my personal biggest problem is that I did it on an external drive just to test it out and lost interest. I never use the damn thing anyway, Linux or not. I just don’t touch a computer outside of work except for my phone and some mini PCs I’ve set up as gaming consoles.
I once got a free ticket to see some movie about a drunk cop or something trying to outsmart teenagers. I still have no idea what it was. I asked for my money back at the end.
Not just that, but this guy has been so over the top idiotic about everything that it’s hard to keep any level of give-a-shit for long about any of it. His presidency was exhausting because of it.
That’s someone whose job is to liaise and advocate for actors to the production crew for intimate scenes, especially nude and sex scenes.
Or the Statue of Unity! Even Christ the Redeemer is taller than Mount Rushmore.
The couch co-op for BG3 is pretty amazing.
How many cows do they own in East Texas?