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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Welcome! This is a pretty fun question, because it shows both the strengths and limitations of the game. On the one hand, there’s no full quest line to abolish slavery in Morrowind, although some slaves can be freed. There are some mods for adding quests, but I haven’t looked into them very deeply.

    On the other, since no NPC is essential you can end slavery through brute force and kill every councilor that supports it, every slave trader, etc. Bloody, but still arguably in line with the “might makes right” philosophy of the Telvanni.

    So while there’s no “official” way, the game leaves the door open to roleplaying if you’re playing a character who would take matters into their own hands.

    If you kill an NPC needed for the main quest, the game will give you a “the thread of prophecy has been severed” message. It’s still possible to get the necessary equipment to fight the final boss of the main quest even if you kill, say, Caius, but I wouldn’t recommend killing any main quest NPCs until after it’s completed.

    The built-in failsafes aren’t explained in-game, and are buggy. It’s more so just a cool last resort for repeat playthroughs where you play, say, a traditionalist who refuses to work with the Empire to solve the blight storm crisis.

    It’s one of the coolest things about the game. Even though I’d never consider methodically killing everyone on the island, the knowledge that you can do it makes the decision not to much more impactful from a roleplaying perspective.

  • Yeah, resting whenever the stamina bar hits half is generally what I do lol. The Mages Guild definitely throws you to the wolves with that quest, when I did it I failed the speech check and had to fight her.

    I’ve never tried a conjuration build, but I definitely remember falling back on my dagger regularly when I played a Dunmer mage. The Mages Guild has an item chest with magika potions you can use freely.

    You can also enchant a ring or amulet to conjure, so even if your magic/Intelligence is low you can consistently summon minions if you can afford the cost of the enchantment. A big difference from Skyrim is that enchanted items recharge automatically when you rest.

    This makes a build where you carry around summoning rings/amulets to use before every fight not only possible, but incredibly strong from what I’ve heard.

  • Morrowind is one of my favorites! Graphic Herbalism is nice, but the DB and Sosltheim fixes are the only necessary ones, atleast for OpenMW.

    Have fun! You’ve probably already heard this if you’re aware of the bug fix mods, but if it seems like you’re missing every other attack, check your stamina and make sure you’re using a weapon you’re character has the skills in. A low stamina bar affects every skill check, and that iron dagger in the census office often trips people up if they try using it without taking short blade as a major skill, as an example.

    I love Morrowind, but it doesn’t do the best job of walking you through how combat works unless you read the manual, so I thought I’d mention it just in case :).