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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • AI is a duel sided blade. On one hand, you have an incredible piece of technology that can greatly improve the world. On the other, you have technology that can be easily misused to a disastrous degree.

    I think most people can agree that an ideal world with AI is one where it is a tool to supplement innovation/research/creative output. Unfortunately, that is not the mindset of venture capitalists and technology enthusiasts. The tools are already extremely powerful, so these parties see them as replacements to actual humans/workers.

    The saddest example has to be graphic designers/digital artists. It’s not some job that “anyone can do.” It’s an entire profession that takes years to master and perfect. AI replacement doesn’t just mean taking away their job, it’s rendering years of experience worthless. The frustrating thing is it’s doing all of this with their works, their art. Even with more regulations on the table, companies like adobe and deviant art are still using shady practices to unknowingly con users into building their AI algorithms (quietly instating automatic OPT-IN and making OPT-OUT options difficult). It’s sort of like forcing a man to dig their own grave.

    You can’t blame artists for being mad about the whole situation. If you were in their same position, you would be just as angry and upset. The hard truth is that a large portion of the job market could likely be replaced by AI at some point, so it could happen to you.

    These tools need to be TOOLS, not replacements. AI has it’s downfalls and expert knowledge should be used as a supplement to both improve these tools and the final product. There was a great video that covered some of those fundamental issues (such as not actually “knowing” or understanding what a certain object/concept is), but I can’t find it right now. I think the best comes when everyone is cooperating.

  • I’m surprised the larger subreddits haven’t called their bluff. People keep talking like thousands are going to line up to moderate subreddits for free.

    Where do you source new moderators? Ask the community? Most redditors don’t want to be stuck on hall monitor duty and most of the power users that do enjoy it are the ones protesting. Of the ones you get, you’ll have to slowly check each one to ensure they’re on your side, and not a troll/protester that’s willing to trash the entire subreddit the moment you instate them.

    It’s not like their corporate connections will help with this either. They want profitability so they aren’t looking to payroll more people. How you drum up 20, unpaid volunteers to moderate a subreddit all day every day? How do you drum up 1000+ to cover a complete walkout.

    You can’t do that overnight. It would take time. Even if they give these to established powermods, the span of control will just be too large to manage. The big subreddits just need to call reddit on their bluff. They need to all resign simultaneously and force reddit into this bad position, where most of the platform goes unmoderated for weeks.