Friggin’ discord link? Plz tell me that i dont have to join a shitty discord “server” to download this thing. that would be a security nightmare…
God doesn’t make the world this way. We do.
Friggin’ discord link? Plz tell me that i dont have to join a shitty discord “server” to download this thing. that would be a security nightmare…
No sway? No Fluxbox? No i3? No Plasma(wayland)? Pathetic. (jk)
Kennste ja: 2 Dumme, 1 Gedanke. xD
In Firefox 120+ about:config -> cookiebanners.service.mode 2 (from 0)
No addons required.
A lemmy post about commenting everything without any comments. :)
Since only the people who knew the names of these women are the journalists Rammstein had to pressured them first. And that didn’t happen. There is no conspiracy here.
Discord is already there. (Please don’t tell me, it’s an app. You can use it via web perfectly fine.)
Jaja, keine Zusammenarbeit. Aber wenn die CDU zuuufällig für das gleiche stimmt wie AfD, dann war das natürlich reiner Zufall und keine Absicht. Kann ja keiner wissen, wofür die AfD stimmt… Wetten, dass das so kommt?
“Go till the men speak Italian and continue until they speak something else” (Kingdom of Heaven)
You mean you are obsessed with running away?
As far as I know, yes