Sounds ambitious as fuck but it would be amazing if the pull if off and it’s fun to play.
Servers can pull in way more than that, like $40+/hr at semi fancy restaurants and Inns. Obviously it’s location dependant, but $21/hr isn’t crazy if you’re on the US coast.
I’d drop Steam if that happened. There are other ways to get games and managers like Lutris make organizing them easy. I’m sure Valve knows this and with how long they’ve been successful, fucking with gamers would not make sense. Look how it’s working or for some of the bigger gaming companies recently.
Killing a bunch of poor people in war isn’t going to save the planet. And countless animals die and have their habitats destroyed. Earth would benefit from a lot less wealthy humans.
So by “in real estate” you mean you’re a flipper and a landlord.
In the building you were going to convert into apartments, how much were you going to rent these affordable apartments for?
They’ll squash a threat to Bitian and it’s reputation but I doubt they give a shit about the islands inhabitants, if they did they wouldn’t keep all of the money from .Io domains. I don’t know that potential security over having your own government is preferable. I’d say this is a great example of how British colonialism is still bad in the modern day.